(19) Peace

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Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

This poem is dedicated to Love is everywhere and the people who are suffering in Gaza. Pray for them , victory is our's


Let the white flowers blossom in the entire world

Set the peace which brings solution for the humanity

Cuff your hands from violence

Zip your mouth from verbal harassment

Disarm your weapons that you hold

Let the mind and heart work together

The theory of evolution

May be true,yet subject to query

But man has not been transformed

He is what he has been

What he has achieved in the science and technology

Is unquestionable

History witnesses

He fought so many wars and killed millions

Tears of mankind have made

River of sorrow

And the river is keeps flowing adding more tears

To deliver the truth to mankind

When the mind delves deep into itself

With the instrument of meditation

Primordial wisdom with its boundless

Comes into being like virgin lotus

Bring the White on white

Symbol of peace and purity

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