4.Home New Home

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Chapter 4: Home New Home

I continued to follow the old man through the tunnels until we came to a stop outside of a thick looking hardened steel door. He did a similar process to the one with the rock and the door slid open with ease as he released his touch.

"Follow me, Do NOT speak unless spoken to, and above all respect all authority." He says clearly, obviously wanting to get it clear into my head, does he think I'm thick or something?

"SIR YES SIR!" I say trying to lighten the mood. As the last word leaves my mouth he bundles me up against the wall.

"WITH AN ATITUDE LIKE THAT I'M IN THE RIGHT MIND TO TAKE YOU BACK HOME TO WONDER WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED!" He said it with such furiousity that I was taken aback. As i struggled with his iron grip i had no choice but to look him in the eye. That one look told me everything. Mess up and your gone, for good.

After that we continued to walk through much brighter and cleaner halls. I was still unaware to where we were going but i followed in fear of being at the receiving end of another one of his over reactions. During our walk he received numerous curteous actions such as taking off their hat or even simply acknowledging him. Uh oh. I hope he isn't a too higher rank because i haven't exactly been polite to him.

We finally came to a stop at the front of a grand door which looked pretty fancy compared to the other ones that I saw on the way in. When we were still standing there for a while I looked at him as in to tell him to open the door but he just ignores me and looks the other way.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well what?" He replied.

"Are you going to open the door..please? I said adding the 'please' incase he was of higher authority then i could seem at least a little bit polite.

"I wouldn't want to ruin the fun." He states with a smile on his face. A smile. An actual, real, genuine smile.

"No offence but I don't see the fun here...Do you want me to open the door? Fine." I said before pushing the door to test its strength. It didn't budge not even a milimeter.

I decided as a joke that i would copy what he did to the rock. So i put my hands on the door, closed my eyes and thought about it opening. To my surprise i heard a small squeaking sound so i thought more adamantly about it opening and the squeak turned to a creak then the door swung wide open. They revealed a massive room with three large throne-like chairs, two of which were occupied. The rightmost chair seated a lady of about 40, she had an air of authority about her that made her much more intimidating then she looks. The left chair was occupied by a man about 40 as well. When I finished taking in my surroundings I put 2 and 2 together and realized that the biggest chair was free and the old man I was walking with was walking towards it....

"I see you have met Arch Mage Tambo" Says the woman, "I am Elder Matrice And this is Elder Altrick. I assume you have been treating our Arch Mage with your utmost respect."

As soon as she said that I flinched and she smiled... She knows... I hope we can start fresh.

"We need to assess your capabilities with the elements and what element would be your primary weapon/defense." Explains Altrick, oh sorry I mean Elder Altrick... Na stuff it.

"And how do we do that?" I asked

"Follow me and I will show you" Says Altrick.

"SIR YES SIR!" I say loudly. Remembering the last time I said that I sneak a look at our Arch Mage to see his reaction. I swear I saw a hint of a smile on his face.

We walk past the steel door through a door that I hadn't noticed before. through that door I saw that I was in a glass box that was suspended above an arena of sorts. In the arena there were about twelve pairs of teenagers who were jumping around flinging the elements at each other.

"We will test you down there" Explains Altrick. His sudden input caused me to jump as I was to immersed in the mini battles to remember I wasn't alone.

"Ok what are we waiting for?" I ask.

"Follow me to the changing room we need to get you some light robes to practice in the magic will come to you easier in them, whereas your armour, as good as it is, will hinder your abilities."

On that note we head own numerous levels of stairs to get to a room with lockers and benches all over the place.

"This is your locker, there is a wardrobe with the uniform over there." He says as he points over to the wardrobe over in the corner of the room. "I'll be outside I want you ready in five minutes." He says.

After he had left and shut the doors behind him I wandered over to the locker to see what it contained.

It had a note explaining what the equipment was:

Locker contents:

1x Watch (Must be removed during training)

2x Training Robes of your size (In wardrobe)

1x Element staff (Element of your choice/abilities. Available after the ability assessment)

**Extra items may be provided if needed/recommended**

After reading the note I walk to the wardrobe fully aware that I've used a minute and a half of my time already.

I pull out the appropriate size robes and quickly slip them on. They were white with a black trim and made of a light material that I'm not familiar with.

I packed my equipment into the locker and headed out the double doors to meet Altrick.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2012 ⏰

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