3.Please Tell Me I'm Dreaming!

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My past two chapters have been short as i have been writing from my ipod. But they are gonna be bigger now because I'm typing from my computer. I hope you enjoy. And please leave a comment on what you think I'm yet to hear someone's opinion. I also need a cover for my book. If anyone can get a design ill use it and dedicate the next chapter to you. The cover I have now is temporary. :D


Chapter 3: Please Tell Me I'm dreaming!

I stirred from my sleep and slowly sat up. I felt a bit dizzy and sick but I managed to keep the feelings at bay. I looked the old man in the eye and uttered one single word. "Explain."

"Certain people can perform magic...."

"What so your telling me that you can pull bunnies outta hats?" I asked cutting his explanation short.

"No im not, we do real magic not those elaborate tricks you see these days.We can learn to control the elements: Fire, earth, wind and water" He continued.

"Tonight the man you faced used the air element against you."

"What has this got to do with me? Why was he after me? Why are you trying to help me if you just tried to kill me?" I questioned him firing question after question at him.

"First of all I have reason to believe that as well as you having Assassins Bloodlines you also have Magical Bloodlines probably one from each of your parents. As of the next question i havn't a clue why he was after you. The man was one of the few that learn what we teach then rebel against us so in no way are we on his side." Stated the old man.

"But I am willing to take you on as my apprentice and to teach you all I know about the elements."

To tell the truth by that point I was unsure of what I wanted to do but one thing is for sure I wish i was dreaming

"To be honest I'm an assassin not a magician!" I explained trying to give myself some time to think.

"You can be both, with the help of magic you could be unstoppable." He explained.

"Is there anyway i can just forget this has happened and ignore tonight completely?" I questioned.


'Way to put it bluntly,' I thought.

"Meet me tomorrow at central park at 5:00am, we will go on from there and i will take you to where you will live for the next few years" He said. Then as suddenly as he came he spun around with a flick of his robe and walked away..

As I replayed the conversation in my head i realised something. Central park was a pretty big place and he was to find one man in a whole park. I might have to get there early.

I wake up to my alarm screaming in my ear i rolled over and rub my eyes to see the time even though I know what im going to see: 4:00am. Ugghh. I swung my arm over to hit the button to silence the alarm. Then i rolled over and started to close my eyes again to drift back to sleep but i quickly push the feeling away and got out of my warm bed.

Once i had gotten ready i had the task of arming myself. I decided not to go full on "Ninja" because I don't want to intimidate anyone that could push me head over heels without even touching me! I decided on my two knives in my boots one on my belt and one hiding in one of my sleeves.... I'm travelling light.

Now, you might think that finding an old man in Central Park wouldn't be too hard considering the fact that it is 4:00 in the morning and there isn't anyone in sight. Trust me it isn't easy.

As I walked the perimeter of the park for the second time I see a glimmer in a tree to my right. As i move in to inspect the mysterious object i hear someone take in a sharp breath. Before you could say 'Watch out!' I was blocking his strike and moving in for the kill. Just before I swung down my blade i saw that it was the same old an from yesterday that i had been scouring the park for.

Unfortunately while I hesitated he didn't and he flicked his wrist sending me flying straight into the tree behind me. I look up to see what he was going to do now and wondering if this whole thing was all a trap to bring me to my death. I wish I had my Katanas here with me.

"You are very prone to distractions" Commented the old man. "You hesitated, you shouldn't have. That hesitation could have cost your life if this was a disguise."

"I am not 'Prone to distraction i just thought it might have been you in the tree so I checked it out. I retorted.

"Yet that was a distraction that you fell for. Thus making you 'Prone to distraction." He replied.

"I only hesitated because i didn't want to hurt you before you could explain more about your magic"

"That is no excuse, You wouldn't even have known I was there if I wasn't old and had to take a breath before i swung." Explained the old man obviously eager to end the pointless argument between us.

"Enough. Let's go, I came here by request not by choice so don't give me a reason to leave you here." I stated.

"Fine, follow me." He briskly replied. He walked with surprising speed and agility as he hopped over fallen branches. I kept following him until he led me towards a rock near the middle of Central Park.

"Does this rock have any significant value or are you tired and need a rest?" I asked cheekily.

Instead of replying he just walked to the rock and placed both of his palms flat on the side of the rock. Then he closed his eyes and whispered something incoherently. Once he removed his palms there was a rough grinding sound and the surface of the rock slid away to reveal a hidden tunnel.

"Follow me, and don't go through any other tunnels, this is made to confuse so you must follow me or risk being lost." He carefully explained.

"How long does this tunnel go for?" I ask staring down the tunnel which quickly got dark the further down I looked.

"Far enough." He replied as he started off on the seemingly endless journey.

"Well I suppose we better start off then, I hope you have food where we are going because I'm hungry" I said.


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