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Barry's POV
I leave Jitters with a lot on my mind. I head off to the water front and sit on a bench so I can think. I'm so confused on who I am and if what I'm doing is right anymore.

I thought destroying Team Flash is what I wanted but maybe it's not.
All of a sudden I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It's a text from Caitlin.

❄️Frosty❄️ "Hey I saw your note, if something's wrong I want to help you. Please tell me where you are so I can be there for you."

⚡️Speedy⚡️" Yeah I think that might be good. I'm really confused on some things since the Star Labs incident and I need your advice. I'm down at the water front sitting at a bench."

❄️Frosty❄️"Okay, I'll be there ASAP. We'll figure this out together like we always do. I love you Barry and I'll always be here for you. I should be there in 5 minutes. See you soon."

⚡️Speedy⚡️"Thanks Cait, I love you too and I know your always here for me just like I am for you. See you soon"

I got done texting Cait feeling a little better knowing we're going to figure this out together.

After sitting there for a few minutes I feel somebody grab my shoulders and kiss the top of my head, making me feel warm inside already knowing who it is.

"Hey Cait, thanks for coming. I really need your help with figuring some things out and no one knows me better than you." I say smiling at her as she walks over to sit next to me.

"Of course I would come, I love you and care about you. I hate seeing you unhappy and I want to fix it. Talk to me Barry, what's going on?" She says this while looking at me intensely with passionate eyes full of love.

"This morning when I left to go deal with a few things I went to Jitters to talk to Kara. What she said during the Star Labs incident really got me thinking and made me start questioning if what we're doing is right."

"Why didn't you just come to me in the first place about this, she's the one trying to stop us. She betrayed you. Why would you go talk to her, our enemy, instead of me who is the one who loves you." While she says this I can see that she's upset and confused.

"I don't think she is our enemy, when she was talking to me she genuinely cared about how I was feeling and if you look back at past events she never actually betrayed me or you. I could see in her eyes she was truly worried about me. Never lying once during our meeting." I said trying to explain myself while also trying to not make her anymore upset.

"Kara is Supergirl, a hero. We are villains which means she's not with us, which means she's our enemy. Your feeling this way because of her, she's trying to put doubts in your head about our mission. Are you also doubting I not good enough for you?" She said this while starting to cry which made my heart break thinking that I made her question if I still loved her.

"Of course you're enough for me. I would never doubt us. You are the love of my life Caitlin Snow. I would do anything for you. You are the only person for me. I just don't know if I want to be a supervillain forever. I've been thinking and someday I want to get married to you and have kids with you. I do not want to bring a child in this world having him or her knowing that they're parents are villains. I don't want to have to look over my shoulder every time I bring them to the park, out for ice cream, or you on a date. I can't do that forever and I won't do it."

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