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I'm left standing there in the middle of the street, thinking on all that Eobard just said.

But that's when I sense them."Hello Barry". I turn around to see Speed Force 'Nora' standing there.

I look at here intently, "Hello Nora, what brings you here." She starts walking closer, "I've come here because it seems to me your having some trouble, specifically about those visions you've been having."

I'm surprised, "How do you know about those?" She looks at me with that all knowing look she has, "I'm the Speed Force Barry, I'm a part of you. Of course I would know when my sweet boy is in pain."

She starts walking circles around me."You've been through so much recently, Savitar killing Iris, Team Flash betraying you. It's all caused you so much pain." She finishes standing right in front of me, looking me in the eyes.

I look down with a pained look; She's right, I have lost a lot, felt so much pain. She reaches her hand out and lifts my chin up to look at her.

"What if I could take all that pain away, make it so that nothing or nobody could ever hurt you like that again." She says looking so lovingly into my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask her confused. "What I mean is I can make you into something greater then you've ever been; Better than the Flash, better than Speed Demon, even greater than Savitar could've ever been."

"I'm listening" I say intrigued by what she's saying. She grabs my shoulders, "That's my boy. I can make you into the true God of Speed. You'll be the fastest speedster through out the multiverse. The fastest there ever was."

I looked at her wide eyed and frightened. "You want to turn me into Savitar?!" I yell stepping back from her.

"No no no, not at all. I would never want you to be that power hungry monster. He was misguided, took it to far. But he did prepare you for what I needed you to become. So that you would be ready to take the final steps into true divinity."

"Savitar disobeyed me, I told him the path he was on would only lead to his destruction. But you Barry, you have the chance to be what he never could. This is your true destiny, this is why I picked you all those years ago. If you do this you'll be able to get revenge on all those that wronged you, become something that can never be trifled with, and most of all you'll have the power to save Caitlin."

I look at her thinking of the possibility, "I can be the God of Speed?" I look at her hopefully. "Yes my sweet boy and I'll be right there beside you the entire way." She says this grabbing my face with both of her hands, allowing me to feel the love the speed force has for me.

"But what about Caitlin, I can't just leave her, she's the love of my life." I tell her, and as I say this she steps back. "I know, that's why we're bringing her along with us into the Speed Force." She says this as she lifts her had up and snaps her fingers. A half second later and a rush of black lightning comes barreling in.

I look and see the Black Flash, formally Hunter Zolomon with Caitlin by his side. I see this and immediately get into a defensive position, generating white and silver lighting. My eyes flashing with a cold blue light. "Let her go Zolomon?!" I yelled while vibrating my voice, about to tear him apart.

The Speed Force flashes in front of me, hands out stoping me. "Barry stop, that's not Zoom, not anymore. After your battle with Hunter the time wraiths took him and I had him mutated and turned into my ultimate weapon. This is now the Black Flash, I use him against any speedsters that threaten the timeline. He's simply a means to an end, completely under my control. I simply had him bring Miss Snow here to us." She finishes by moving to the side and putting her hand out, showing me Caitlin.

I look over at Black Flash, then over Caitlin who's visibly shook up but unharmed. I calm down allowing my power to dissipate. 'Nora' releases me knowing I'm alright. "You showed quite the display of power there just now. A power I haven't felt from one of my avatars in many millennia. Not since Hermes/Mercury himself."

I look at her surprised. "Wait Hermes, as in the Greek God of Speed, messenger of the gods? He's real?" I ask wide eyed. "Oh yes, he was real. He was the first being I ever gifted my power too. But don't worry, your my favorite. You were the first of my avatars that felt like a true son to me." She says smiling and taping her finger on my nose making me blush a little.

Caitlin comes up and hugs me. "I'm so glad your okay, when I saw you were taken by Reverse Flash I was so scared that he was going to... to..." she choked up crying unable to finish. I hug her even tighter, rubbing her back. "I'm alright Caitlin, I'm not going anywhere." I pull her off me a little so that I can kiss her which she quickly responds to in kind.

As we pull away I look over and see that 'Nora' is smiling at us both and then walks up to us. "Caitlin, I've been meaning to tell you, thank you for always looking after and loving Barry the way you have. You've been so good for him and I'm so happy he's able to have you in his life."

Caitlin looks at 'Nora' in shock and admiration. "Of course, Barry means everything to me. I'll love him always and forever."

I look on at both these people that love me so much only in different ways and realize that perhaps my life isn't as messed up as I once thought it to be. I think everything's gonna be alright. I make a silent promise that nothing and no one is ever going to hurt either of them ever again. I refuse to lose anything else in my life.

'Nora' looks at both of us, "Are you both ready to go to the Speed Force?" I look at her confused, "How's Caitlin gonna make it into the Speed Force, only Speedsters can survive inside there?" I say confused.

She responds by snapping her fingers again and that's when all of a sudden Caitlin is surrounded by blue lighting. "Caitlin is now a speedster. But I must warn you, you'll never be able to be as fast as Barry and you won't be able to use your speed for long periods of time due to your Ice powers creating a natural weakness to your new abilities. So make sure not overdue yourself, but the plus side is that now you have the speed force inside of you your natural healing ability's have now been supercharged making them even faster then Barry's." 'Nora' finishes by smiling.

Caitlin looked really happy by this new development. She then raises her hand and it starts to vibrate while also emitting a cold frost at the same time. I look at her excited for what's to come. "Ready to go My Love?" I ask her with my hand out for her to grab. "I am my 'God of Speed'" she says while giggling a little at the use of the nickname.

'Nora snaps her fingers opening a portal into the speed force. She walks into it with us following close behind and Black Flash Moments later after having made sure that no one, specifically Reverse Flash was following us.

Time to see where this new chapter of my life leads. Here's hoping it's one of no more pain, but I'd be kidding myself and stupid if I actually believed that. But as long as I have Caitlin by my side, I know it'll be alright.

Hey everyone, it's been a while. I'd been seeing some people reading my story recently and so I was thinking "What the hell, I'm having a pretty good day, why not do a bit of writing? Besides I thought it fit well seeing as The Flash series finale is tonight, end of an era. This will always be one of my all time favorite shows. I hope y'all like it, haven't written anything in long time so I'm sorry if I'm a bit rusty. If this does well I might put keep this going. I've got some ideas for the story going further. I'll give y'all a hint, Barry will make Savitar look like a knockoff, this will be what the true Barry Allen can do. Hope y'all have a good day and I'll see ya in the next one.

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