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Cisco POV
I walk into the cortex and see E1 Team Flash and Wally talking. "Hey guys I just made a call to someone that can help us and she should be here in a second."

As I say this a breach opens up in the cortex and Supergirl and Jonn/Martian manhunter walk out of it. "Hey guys what's the emergency, you made it sound pretty urgent." Kara asked

"We need your help with a couple villains we have but when I tell you who the are your not going to like it." Kara looks at me nervously then nods her head for me to proceed. "The villains we're facing are Barry and Caitlin." Kara has a look of shock, hurt, and confusion on her and then I here her say something quiet enough to where I can only hear it, "but he's my super friend." Kara says.

She falls back into a chair having trouble processing this and I bend down next to her to help comfort her. "I'm so sorry, I know how good of friends you were and this is hard on me too." She looks up at me with a tear stained face and all she asks is why did they do this.

I explain everything to her and she looks sad and hurt but then she has a look of determination on her face. "We can still get them back, there still our friends." Kara says. "I don't know, Maybe we can get Caitlin back if we can get through killer frost and to her but Barry, that's a whole another story because  that's actually him that changed. When he broke after Iris death he did it on psychological level and then having his friends and family leave probably made it worse because after that he put himself into complete isolation.

Kara still looks at us with the same determined look, "We still have to try, they would do the same thing if roles were reversed." Kara says. I look at her with hope, something I haven felt in a long time. I look at Wally and see he has the same look as me. "Ok here's the plan, E1 Barry, E1 Cisco, E1 Caitlin, Wally, Supergirl, Jonn, Wally, and me will go in and first try and convince them to stop, if that doesn't work then Iris, we're going to need you to try and convince Barry because he should still have a strong emotional attachment towards you and if we can get Barry back then that might also pull Caitlin over also. If all fails then we're going to have to fight, we'll execute the plan when they show up next, everybody under stand the plan?"

Everyone nods and as if on queue the alarm goes off alerting that Speed Demon and Killer Frost are right out side S.T.A.R. Labs. "Ok guys let's do this" we go out side and confront them.

Barry's POV
Me and Cait see Cisco and Wally come out but then we see something surprising. "Well, I see you've brought some friends. Hello supergirl, Jonn and I assume the three of you are from are from another Earth."

Kara lands a few meters in front of me and Cait. "Why are you doing this, your hero's, remember super friends, how we would fight by each others side till the end." Kara says this and sees Barry flinch a little and looks a little sad at her statement.

"For what we had and that you never hurt me or killer frost I will give you one chance to step out of my way and go back to your Earth." "Your right I never hurt you and I don't want to now so Barry stop this, we can work this out." Kara says.

I look down unsure of what to do, not wanting to hurt Kara. Then I look over at Cait and she sees my internal struggle and whispers to me so only I can hear. "I'm here for you till the end remember, we both said that and I love you. Please don't leave me now. She chose her side, she standing with them. Remember Summer Nights, me and you till the end." Cait says with a smile at the end of it that reassures me. I whisper to her "I'm not going any where, me and you till the end."

I look up at Kara. "Move out of our way, If you don't that shows us you stand with them and we'll take you down with the rest of them." Kara looks hurt by this statement. Seeing this hurt me inside but I didn't let those feelings come to the surface.

"Wally bring out plan B." Cisco says. I see Wally run inside then run back out with someone that made my heart stop. "Iris..." Iris walks closer to me. "Barry please, don't do this, don't turn into the very thing you tried so hard to fight." Iris says. "I have too, they hurt me, they forgot about Caitlin. They deserve this." "Barry please, seeing you like this, it's killing me, please show me the old you." Iris says. This doesn't go over well with me and I start having a panic attack. I drop down to a kneeling position looking down at the ground. I start having flash backs of my Iris dying. Cait sees me like this and kneels down herself and asks if I'm ok and the only thing I can do is shake my head no. After that I start hyperventilating and then I pass out from the trauma and panic attack.

Caitlin's POV
I see Barry pass out and I start to panic. I tell the suit to open up since the suit only listens to me and Barry. I get him out of the suit and pick him up bridal style. By this point the hero's have gathered around us. "Please help him." I say to them and they quickly comply and help me and Barry inside. I tell the suit to follow and it gets up and follows me inside.

I hurry Barry into the med bay and Cisco hooks up EKG to monitor his heart rate and I grab a device to do a brain scan. I look at the results and they seem a little erratic. Right then Barry starts screaming out my name and shaking frantically. Me and Cisco grab hold of him to stop the shaking and I get close to his ear to tell him I'm right here and that I'm not going anywhere. I also say that I love him and this seems to calm him down.

I tell Cisco to leave me and Barry alone and he hesitantly does so. When he does I sit down in a chair and hold Barry's hand till he wakes up. A single tear falls down my face and right then I feel Barry's hand squeeze mine. Feeling this shows me he's going to be okay and that even passed out he's still looking out for me.

(Hey guys, I think that was my longest chapter yet. I really enjoyed writing this. Things just got real interesting. Let's see how Barry and Caitlin deal with having to be around the hero's. As always I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one. P.S. please look at picture up top I love it so much and I think you all will love it too.)

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