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Barry's POV
I'm in meta handcuffs being pinned up against the wall by Cisco and Wally. I'm trying to break free but I can't. I look over and I see Caitlin in killer frost form fighting off E1 killer frost and E1 Flash and she winning but something doesn't feel right then I look farther town the ways and I see Oliver Queen in his Green Arrow costume with an arrow loaded in his bow

I look at what he's aiming at and when I see I go completely white and start fighting even harder. "Caitlin! Caitlin! Caitlin!" I'm screaming, trying to get her attention but she can't here me.

What happens next I feel like was in slow motion. I look up at Oliver and as I do I see the arrow leave it's bow and is heading straight for Caitlin. I feel hopeless, I can't do anything but watch. Right then I see the arrow go right into Caitlin's heart. "Nooooo!!!! Caitlin!!!!!!"

I feel somebody pushing on me to wake up calling my name. I open my eyes quickly, breathing heavily, and in a cold sweat. I look up and it's Caitlin with a concerned look on her face. "Hey, it's okay I'm right here. It was just a nightmare. You were screaming my name and when I got in here you were tossing and turning."

I look at her and just break down sobbing, she grabs hold of me and holds me close just rubbing the small of my back trying to calm me. "I thought I lost you, I watched you die, and it felt so real." I said sobbing. "I'm right here and your not losing me ever, okay." Caitlin said. I nod and start to calm down.

"Hey how about we go into the Speed lab and you can run around, clear your head, and I can monitor you vitals and watch you. Does that sound okay?" Caitlin asks. "Sure, did anybody out there hear me?" " Yeah they did but I made sure that I was the only one that came in here." Caitlin said. "Thanks" I said reassuring her with a smile."

She helped me up and I could tell she was still worried about me cause she was holding on to my waist with a tight grip. I got a warm feeling knowing that she cared about me this much. We walk out into the cortex and I realize everybody staring at me. This makes me feel weird so I just look down just wanting to get out of there so I grab hold of Caitlin and run us to the Speed lab and on the way out I turn off the cameras and audio to the Speed lab.

When we get there I drop off Caitlin and go into the time vault to grab my suit. I get back to the Speed lab and start running and running. Getting faster and faster. I feel so much power coursing through me. I can feel every partial in my body, every neuron firing. With every stride I make I can feel myself growing in power, in strength, and feeling unstoppable.

I get pulled out of my thoughts by Caitlin yelling my name. I go over to Caitlin and step out of my suit to see what's wrong. "What wrong?" I ask wondering what was so urgent. " what's wrong is you were going extremely fast, faster then you've ever gone before. It looked like you were actually becoming one with the lighting and it was getting harder and harder for me to read your vitals. So I stoped you because we don't know what would have happened if you kept going.

"How fast was I going?" I asked with curiosity. "Mach 10" Caitlin said. I looked at her wide eyed. "Wow" I said stunned and excited. "Do you know what this means, now that I'm this fast nobody's going to stop us and who knows what I'll be able to do once I get even faster.

"Please just promise me that we'll learn more about what's happening before you go full on, I just don't want you to go so fast one day that you turn into dust." Caitlin said. "I promise, we're a team and your my girlfriend, we do things together. I said while holding on to her shoulders, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I'm feeling better, how about we get out of here and head home." I get back in my suit, grab hold of Caitlin, super speed us out of star labs, and bring us back home where we relax and hold each other in our arms loving every second of it.

(Hey everybody, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been having some writers block and I just had surgery but I am going to be posting more frequently and getting back to the story. If you've stuck around all this time then thank you. As always I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya in the next one.)

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