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I walked through the door of Eren's house and tensed up, Eren looked at me and smirked "Don't worry my parents aren't home yet." He slid off his shoes and walked upstairs with me following close behind. The house wasn't small but it wasn't big either, there were pictures on the wall and in almost every single one there was a little boy with a big smile on his face. I'm guessing it was Eren. "So Levi....what do you think of my house?" I looked at the brunette as he stood at the top of the steps with a smile on his face. "It's nice." I replied, Eren stared at me for 10 seconds until he finally turned around and made his way into a room. I followed and when I walked in, I almost passed out from the mess that was before me.

"What the fuck Eren!? Don't you clean your room!?" I shouted, as I began to quickly pick things up. He laughed and I glared at him.

"Clean Freak."

I threw a pile of clothes at his head and he began to laugh even more "Stop Laughing and help me clean Brat."

For the next hour we cleaned Eren's messy room.



I looked at Eren who was sitting on his bed while I sat in a cushioned chair in the corner of his room.

"Yep you can borrow any book you want and you don't have to give it back until you've finished it."

He smiled at me and I sent him a small smile in return. He motioned his head towards the tall brown shelves on the right side of his room and I got up to go look at my book choices.

In the end, I picked a book called The Little Prince I was about to turn around and tell Eren what book I chose when I felt hands wrap around my waist.

"Eren." I tried to move away from him but his grip around me tightened even more and I shivered when he began to whisper in my ear.

"You know I've always wanted to do something naughty with someone and I think you'd play that role perfectly." I tensed up at his words and slowly turned around to
face him, he giggled and began to move his face closer to mine.

I was about to push him away when I remembered something.

He needs someone to be there and watch out for him. Do you think you can play that role?

I parted my lips a bit as Eren's face came closer to mine. Our lips were only inches apart when he moved away and began to laugh.

"Just kidding! Did I make your heart race? Jeez that was embarrassing. I'm just joking around with you! Like I always do."

I clenched my fists "What are you thinking?"

I quickly ran up to him and grabbed his wrists and I pushed him down and pinned him to the bed.

"Um, wait what's up? Let me go it hurts. Are you...playing along with my joke? That's really nice of you! can let go now...Levi."

I didn't respond and I remained on top of him. My hands still on his wrists, the only thing you could hear was my breathing until Eren spoke again.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

My grip around his wrists tightened and he began to try to get free.

"Give it a rest Levi! Let me go!"

My grip tightened even more, I was upset. It's like Eren thought everything was a game. Like nothing he says or does effects anyone. It made my blood boil and I couldn't take it anymore!

"Stop! Stop already!"

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Eren began to cry.


I stared down at him in shock and quickly released him.

I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out his house, not daring to turn and look back.

I made Eren cry.

I made him cry.

I walked as fast I could away from his house when I heard a neigh? I turned around to see the horse again Why now....

"You just left Eren's house. Right?"

"What's it matter to you?"

"Don't pull that crap with me! What are you to Eren and what is he to you?!"

I looked away from him and began to slowly walk away when I heard the sound of footsteps and I received a punch to my face causing me to fall on the cement. I stayed there as it began to rain and I felt blood flow down the side of my forehead.

"I don't know what Eren sees in a guy like you. You're just a antisocial bastard whose always got his face stuck in a book."

He was about to punch me again when I heard Eren's voice.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

I heard the sound of footsteps running towards me and not to long after warm hands wrapped around me.

"Jean get the hell out of here and don't you ever touch him again."

Jean walked away quickly with a scoff and it began to rain harder.

"Are you ok?"

A/N: Sorry for the late chapter. I kinda had trouble trying to figure out how I wanted this chapter to play out. Don't worry the next chapter should be better! Love you all!

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