Rose and Black Tea

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I was currently in the library organizing books. I was usually alone when I helped out in the library but today for some odd reason I had a guest. "Why are you here again?" I glanced to look at the brunette who stood next to the cart of books with a bored look on his face. "Because I wanna get along." What does that even mean? Does he wanna be friends or something? I don't even have time for friends... "Ooh! I know this nice place we can go to after this!" His eyes lit up as he jumped up and down "Tch. You're such a child." I began to put more books on the shelves and made sure they were nice and straight. I could tell the brat was staring at me. "What is it?" I asked with a hint of annoyance in my tone. The brunette stood up and walked up next to me "You never told me your name....." a pout formed on his lips This Brat! "Well you never told me yours either." I took a couple steps away from him, he was so close. Just then I felt a hand slap me on the back causing me to take a step forward "My name is Eren! Eren Jaeger!"

I quickly turned to face him with a glare "Don't do that again." he looked stunned at how mad I had gotten. "S-Sorry, well I told you mine now you tell me yours." I let out a sigh and crossed my arms "Tch, it's Levi....Levi Ackerman." he repeated my name over and over and then smiled "Levi, I like it! I like how your name rolls off my tongue." Eren stated. The fuck!? I turned around to face the book shelf as I began to finish up the last amount of books I had left on the cart. From the corner of my eye I saw Eren grab a book and place it on the shelf "Oi, what are you doing?"

"Helping. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Yeah well brat you're putting the books on the wrong side of the shelf. Non-Fiction are over here."

He stopped and looked at me "Levi, do you fear death?"

What kind of question was this? Why is he asking me this out of nowhere? I was about to reply when he laughed "Just kidding, don't answer that." he placed another book on the wrong shelf and then looked down at the floor as a tear rolled down his cheek. In that moment, he looked I wanted to just grab him and touch his skin, it looked so soft. He looked up at me and my heart skipped a beat, his eyes sparkled like the ocean when the light from the sun reflects off of it. He wiped his eyes "Well, the cart is empty, now we're going to that place!"

He''s so weird.

It wasn't a very long walk, I honestly can't believe I agreed to this. I didn't really like going out much but for some reason I was now sitting at a table with Eren as we looked at a menu that was placed on our table. I was relieved that there weren't many people here, they might end up getting the wrong idea about us. There's a pretty red rose in a glass vase in the middle of the table. It really complimented the style of the Cafe we were in. It was actually called Rose Cafe.

I glanced at Eren, he was focused on looking what to get for himself. I already knew what I wanted though, I was gonna get me some Black Tea. It was my favorite, good thing I brought my book, I love reading while I drink Tea. Reading is a little hobby of mine. I snapped out of my thoughts when Eren tapped me on my arm "Hey Levi, what do you think I should get?" his eyes were sparkling again and his face was so calm and happy, how does he do it? How can he stay so happy knowing what life has in store for him? After the tears he let fall in the library I know deep down he's hurting. Plus.......

It might not be so bad to die though.....maybe it's be better that way? But then again I'd probably leave Armin in tears lol, I couldn't do that to him. I haven't told him about my illness and I don't think I ever will. It's best if he doesn't know. That way no one gets hurt....

I remember reading that in his jorunal the day we met. But I didn't really think about it until now.

Black Tea

Levi was just staring at me, he looked like he was really lost in thought. Should I flick him? NO! Ater how mad he got just from a slap on the back I think I better not do anything. "Levi!" he snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me "Oh yeah what did you ask?" I let out a sigh "I said what should I get? And what are you spacing out for?" He shook his head "It's nothing, and just get some Black Tea." I nodded in reponse, I never had Black Tea, I wonder if it's any good.

I had let him see me cry a bit earlier, it's like when I'm crying in front of him, I'm ok with it. I've never let anyone else see me cry, not even a tear, not like how I let Levi see me today. I wonder what he was thinking in that moment.

"Levi, why do you read so much?" the question just came out my mouth as Levi opened up a book. He looked up at me, his silver eyes catching my ocean ones.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious."

"Well as a kid my Mom would always bring books home for me to read, she'd bring me a new one every week because I would always end up finishing the book in like 4 days, sometimes 2 even if it was more then a thousand pages long. After a while, I didn't really bother to communicate with others. I was so busy reading and falling in love with the characters. Books became a big part of me and now they're also how I can tell how a person is depending on what kind of books they read, I know it's weird but that's just the person I became. I read a lot because I love too."

This was the most Levi has said to me since we met. And it seems to me like he opened up to me just now. I was about to say something when a waitress walked up to our table, we stated our orders and I got a little desert as well, for me and Levi.

It seemed to me that we...were kinda getting closer. Which is exacly what I want. "Ew." I stated after I took a sip of the Black Tea I had ordered, Levi sent me a glare "How could you say Ew to something so delicious." I laughed "How can you drink this stuff! It's nasty!" He glared at me even more "You're not about to waste that, I paid a good amount of money today." I just smiled and handed him my cup "You drink it then. In exchange you give me your cake." He sighed and slided his plate over to me and I took a delicious bite while he took a sip of my Tea.

I smirked.

"Ya know Levi, that's technically a kiss."

He quickly spit out his Tea and I laughed as I handed him some napkins.

"Shut your mouth you brat."

A/N: I Hope you liked it! I'm gonna try to post 2 chapters daily. So Next two chapter will be up tommorrow! XD

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