Part 3

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I cant be in love with Elliott, can I? I mean, he is my best friend! Although he is very caring, has nice hair,and dont even get me started about his- oh shit, I really do love him, dont I? Oh god. This is really happening to me, isnt it?

"Dont worry, I won't tell him," Ajay says, "but you should."

My chest tightens and I feel my heart rate pick up.

"What?! No, I cant tell him!" I say while glancing around. I spot Elliott coming back with a few drinks so I give a quick nod to him.

"Why not?" Ajay confusedly says.

"It would be weird! He wont like me!" I quickly whisper quickly. Ajay rolls her eyes.

"Your exaggerating." She leans back and sighs. "Damn, for being the 'fearless hunter' you seem like a big pussy right now." My face goes red but I remained silent. Elliott happily walks towards us.

He sets a drink infront of me and sits to my left.

"Alright. My turn. Ajay, skedadle." He says with a smile. Elliott looks to me and winks ironically.

She nods and gets up, but as she leave, she elbows me. "Don't be a pussy."

I nod, feeling my chest tighten. I take a deep breath as I watch her leave. God, this is crazy. This is insane. Elliott chuckles.

"So, Hound, what's been bothering you? Doctor Witt is here to help." He says with a smirk. I feel my heart skip a beat.

"I.. Well... There is this person who I've been talking to..." Elliott makes a really suprised face and gasps.

"Oh my God, Hound, do you have a crush!?" He says with an impressed tone. I bite my lip.

"Yeah... I guess." I reply. My heart feels like it's about to pound out of my chest.

"Oh my gosh that is adorable. Tell me more!" He says while leaning against the table. I smile and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Well, whenever I'm complimented or touched by them my heart goes crazy." I say. He keeps listening so I assume he wanted me to say more. I felt very uncomfortable and flustered.

"I just get so jelous sometimes and I do stupid things and get upset over nothing. Like, I know they are just joking arround with the other person but I still get annoyed." I say. I look down at the table and avoided eye contact. It was killing me to say all of this. My heart was racing. What if I slipped up and he found out it was him? What would I do? He wouldn't ever wanna talk to me again. Oh god I can't think right now-

"Sounds like you really love this man. If ya dont mind me asking, do I know them?" He asks. My breath hitches. I was not prepared for that question, my mind went blank and I didn't know what to do. What am I supposed to say?

"I.. Uh... I mean, yeah, you know them." I say quickly. I hope he didnt hear the panic in my voice.

"Alright, alright. Who is it then?" He asks.

"Uh, I think I have to go. Its getting pretty late and I still have to feed Artur and train.... So yeah im just gonna leave. See you tomorrow Elliott." I say. I can not answer that question tonight. Nope. Nuh uh.

"Oh come on! Am least tell me what they look like!" He says pleadingly. I roll my eyes as I get up.

"YOU already know what they look like. I'm going to go home. Goodnight Elliott."

He sighs, "Goodnight hound, but remember, your gonna tell me one way or another."

I head out of the bar and dont look back. I'm seriously close to having a panic attack. He really wanted to know, and I dont know whether or not I wanted to tell him. My mind raced at the reactions he could have as I said the two words that could make or break my heart.

Gosh, why did this have to happen now? It had never happened before. I bite my lip and take a deep breath. I have to get ahold of myself. If he didnt like me back, who cares? Its not like I needed him... Right?

As I entered my house, I hear Artur squawk from the kitchen. I walk over, taking off my mask and armor.

Looking at the kitchen counter, I see that Artur had his head stuck on a box of cereal.

"Artur, seriously?" I say with a chuckle.

He squawks and I get him unstuck. Picking him up, I cradle him and pet his beak.

"How would you like to have another man in the house? Huh?" I ask him quietly. "Oh allfather. Why did I even say that? He probably doesn't even like me. Why do I even care? And I'm talking to my bird."

I sigh. All the things I had been feeling made much more sense now. I'm really suprised that I didnt realize sooner, but, I guess it makes sense that I wouldn't. I never really got into relationships or even liked people.

I fill Artur's food bowl and clean up the mess he had made before I head to my room.

I didnt really have to train tonight, but I really wanted to get away from Elliott. I had become panicked. I didnt want to lie to him, I just needed to get out of there before I broke down and told him.

As I laid down on my bed, I pull the covers over me. What will tomorrow be like? I know Elliott would never stop pestering me about that. Now That he knows that Im interested in someone, he would stop at nothing to find out who.

To be honest, I was scared to tell him. I was terrified, as hard to admit as that is. What if he hated me? What if he never wanted to talk to me again? My head swirled with thoughts like this as I tried to fall asleep.

One question kept running through my mind as I sat there. What if he did? What if he did like me too?

As I feel sleep tugging me out of consciousness, the last thought that crossed my mind was, 'Wouldnt that be great.'

They are everywhere. Every direction.

I spin arround and try to find the threats, but all I could see was darkness. I hear people everywhere. All arround me they were yelling, mocking and laughing. I couldnt see them, where were they.

Do not forget.

I yell and clutch my head, a great pain surging through me.

Desires lead you to pain.

I wake up in a cold sweat, clutching my head. I sit up and take a deep breath. What was that? I get up and look around, realizing that it is now a new morning. What was that?

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