Chapter 2

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I was on the radio with the railway team. They were currently working on the new railway. I still can't believe that we are fixing the railway. Us many years ago would never think of doing something like this. We had cars and then horses and wagons.

I pressed down the button to talk on the radio to talk to the railway team.

"This is Gabriella from Melbourne, who am I speaking to?" I asked.

"This is Jonah from the railway team" Jonah said over the radio.

"Hey Jonah. I would like you guys to move on from building the railway and work on the old railway lines" I said.

We are connecting the new railway lines with the older ones so we save on resources and we would be finished much earlier.

"Ok. Can I ask why?" Jonah asked.

"We would save a lot of our own resources, and older railway lines lead right to Adelaide. If we can clean it up and get it ready it will be a straight ride to Adelaide" I said.

"Ok. Where on it. I'll see you soon" Jonah said.

"I'm sending my team to work on the new railway lines. I'll see you soon" I said leaning back on my chair.

Most likely we won't see each other for a long time. Most likely at Trial Day next month. Trial Day is the day we celebrate the Trials. We remember the ones we lost, we thank them for all they did for us. The kids get to dress up and run around with their friends. It's a big day. It will be the nineteenth annual Trial Day.

I turned the dial on the radio so I could change the channel of the radio. I pressed the button down again.

"Hello is this the construction crew?" I asked.

"It is ma'am" a woman said.

"I need you guys to work on the new railway lines. It's going to be a hard job, but I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't think you guys could do it. Are you guys in?" I said.

"Were in. We will get to work right away ma'am" the woman said.

I turned off the radio and I stood up. I stretched out as much as I could as I was sitting down for many hours. I walked out through the door. As I was walking out I saw a woman walking in. She looked angry and pissed off. She was walking straight towards me.

"You need to put a leash on that kid of yours" the woman said pointing at me.

"What did she do now?" I asked rolling my eyes.

Stella is a trouble maker. Ever since she could talk. I love her, but sometimes she's a bit selfish and dishonest. I hope one day she would change. But she's twenty four years old now.

"She came to my store, said that she's the leaders daughter and said that she should get everything free. I disagreed and told her to leave. But she grabbed a loaf of bread and ran away. She needs to be tamed, she's out of control" the woman said.

"I'm sorry. Here take this" I said handing her fifty credits.

Instead of dollars we call them credits. We got to like the credit system. It worked well. Some other communities didn't like it though. They stayed the same. Everyone gets food and water for free even if you don't work. We thought that wasn't fair so we changed our rules. Port Adelaide and Underdale are the only communities without the credit system.

"Thank you. Just do something about your daughter, please. A lot of people would want that" the woman said.

I nodded as she walked away. Her bread loafs are only one credit each. She just got a forty nine credit profit. I had to use my own credits so I was pissed off. After Andrews speech things changed. I make the same amount of credits as the average worker, even though I'm the leader. Which is about twenty to twenty seven credits a week. More if you work harder.

I quickly stormed out of my office and went to look for Stella. She's normally with her friends underneath a tree. I found her spot and sure enough she was there with her friends. I quickly stormed over to her. She saw me and quickly stood up.

"How many time have I told you to not steal?!" I yelled.

She looked embarrassed because she was in front of her friends.

"This is the third time now! I am so fucking angry! I had to pay the baker fifty credits! You have to stop doing this!" I yelled.

"But I..." Stella said as I talked over her.

"No, don't fucking talk back! I'm done with this. You are saying that you want to lead this place. But you don't act like a leader. You act like a coward. So this is what's going to happen, number one, you're going to apologise to the baker and number two, you're going to work your arse off for two weeks and you better pay me back fifty credits. If you don't I will send you to Port Adelaide to become a blacksmith, and I know how much you fucking hate it there. Now get to it!" I yelled.

I quickly stormed off. I was really mad at her. She causes a lot of issues around here. As I walked walking away I saw Ian running up to me. He looked scared and looked like he was panicking.

"Governor! We have an issue at the railway! Jonah needs you on the radio, immediately!" Ian yelled.

I quickly ran towards my office. When I got there I ran through the doors and ran to my table. I turned the radio on and press down the button to talk.

"Gabriella here. What do you need?" I asked.

"We found a man from Brisbane. I am bringing him back to Melbourne" Jonah said.

"How long?" I asked.

"Around about one hour" Jonah said.

"Stay safe. Look out for more" I said.

I leaned back in my chair taking deep breaths. I wonder what a man from Brisbane was doing all the way out here. I thought we were safe because of the distance between our communities. I heard someone knock on the door. The door opened. It was Ian.

"What happened?" Ian asked.

"They found a man from Brisbane. There may be more coming there way. I don't know" I said.

"Are they ok?" Ian asked.

"I hope they are. They are heading here" I said.

Ian leaned against the wall. He crossed his arms and looked at me.

"Found a leader yet?" Ian asked.

"No. I'm still looking. No one wants the pressure" I said.

"Except for Stella" Ian said.

"Stella isn't an option. She stole from someone again today. I doubt she would ever change. She isn't and she won't be mature enough for the job" I said.

"What about Prince or Samantha?" Ian asked.

"Prince left for Underdale to be with Samantha. They are inseparable. Samantha doesn't want the pressure. She would rather lead a smaller community like Underdale. I don't have many options. You still disagree for the role?" I asked.

"I do. I'm not a leader. I never was. When you guys took over this place, I was too scared to do it myself. You people came in and I used you. Luckily I asked Andrew. Because he was born a leader. I'm much better off being in the army" Ian said.

I leaned back on my chair and put my arms behind my head. I closed my eyes and yawned.

"I miss, before. I know this may seem rude but, I kind of wish we didn't find this place. At least till later on. I miss all of our people together in one community. We were more of a family. Now we are kilometres away from each other. It's hard to not be able to see Samantha's face anymore. We only see each other on special occasions, that's it. I just miss before" I said.

"Nah. I get it. But I don't miss before. I like today. You guys changed this place for the better. You pushed Jean out and put in new rules. It's time to forget your past, and think of the future" Ian said.

I nodded and smiled. Ian is a guy I can talk to. He always listens, and always finds a way to make you feel happier. A lot like Sam did actually.

"Well I've got to go. I've got a patrol" Ian said waving as he walked out.

I waved bye as he closed the door behind him.

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