Chapter 60: Hockey Wife

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~Six years later, September 2027~

I am alone. I am alone in my big house that feels way too big at the moment. It's not the first time I am alone in this house, though. But it's the first time I didn't chose to be alone in it. I just dropped off Ophelia at her new school. Our big girl started Middle School today. And our little boy, Theodore, started Kindergarten. Both of my kids are in school and my husband is at practice. His sixth season in Seattle starts tonight and, as captain, he had to go in early to motivate his new players. It hasn't been this quiet in here for a while, so quiet that the silence oppresses me instead of calming me down. I don't want to write, I don't want to go out, I don't want to cook, I just want sound. I want something that will lower the noise of the silence, so I turn the TV on at a random channel. I instantly feel better. I turn the volume loud enough, so that, when I sit at the kitchen table, I can still hear it clearly, and start working. It's time, I think, to write that damn epilogue. The damn epilogue I have been putting off for the past ten years.

I am a hockey wife now. I was never a hockey fan, but I was a hockey girl who became a hockey girlfriend. I went through years of sacrifices, of putting Ben's career first, of putting my children first. But I wouldn't change a minute of my life. I wouldn't trade a single second of the year Ben and I spent apart because it's that time that allowed us to grow and come back to each other stronger. We had our share of miracles over the years. Every day we spend together is a gift that I will treasure for the rest of my life. We faced many disappointments and obstacles, but when I see our children, when I see Ben looking at me the same way he did when we first met, when I see the excitement in his eyes before and after games, when I see the pride he feels when he reads my newest novel, I know we did the right thing. It may not have always felt that way, but we made it. We had our maybe because something good, something beautiful even, happened the second his eyes met mine and it keeps happening every time I see him.

South Victoria, Windsor, Germany, New York, Los Angeles, Montreal, Seattle. It was worth it. We were worth it.

It's time. It's time to write our end even if we are not even close to it.

Last chapter is the epilogue!! I can't believe we're already there, I am done writing this book for about a week now and I miss these characters so much!
I have a little surprise for your in the epilogue, I hope you'll like it 🤞

Can my hockey fans tell me who the name Theodore refers to? 😉

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