Chapter 56: Will You?

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Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. No, no, no, no, no. Why? Just why did she have to walk in at that moment? Why couldn't she stay upstairs for one second longer? Why do things like this only happen to me? Huh, why?

We left after Eleanor helped the maid clean up her mess on the floor. I picked Ophelia up from Jacob's room. And we left. Without saying a word to one another. We just left. We're in the car and the radio isn't playing because I don't want to wake Ophelia and we're not talking because I'm ashamed and she's in shock. I am really glad I didn't do this in public, especially if she would have reacted this way. The ten-minute car ride seems to take an hour. I haven't been this uncomfortable around Eleanor in a long time, and, the last time, I promised myself it would never happen again. We still don't speak as we get out of the car. I grab Ophelia as Eleanor unlocks the front door. The silence is heavy, it's thick and it makes the air unbreathable. After putting Ophelia in her crib, I find Eleanor in our bedroom, sitting on the bed and staring in front of her.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as I walk in the room and sit next to her. I don't know why I am apologizing. Because she heard it and it ruined the surprise or because I did something she isn't ready for? Maybe both or maybe neither. She seems to come out of her trance, her eyes finding mine.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. My reaction was shit." She chuckles lightly but the laughter doesn't reach her eyes.

She grabs my hand but focuses back on the wall in front of her. I want to ask her why she reacted that way, but I don't want to start an argument over something that should be beautiful and simple. So, I stay quiet until I find something worth saying. We must stay like this for ten minutes, holding hands and staring at the same grey wall when I hear Eleanor laughing. Really laughing this time. I turn to look at her and her face is contorted in the biggest smile she can make. Tears are forming in the corner of her eyes from how much she's laughing. Seeing her likes this liberates the tension I had been feeling since we left the Finley's. And I start laughing too. We are staring at each other laughing and it makes us laugh even harder. Until I stop. I just look at her as the last ounces of laughter leave her face. She looks at me too, dead in the eyes. I look at her and she looks at me with the same intensity. And she throws herself at me. Her legs encircle my waist and our chest are pressed together. Her lips ferociously attack mine, making out teeth collide and our noses bump. I do my best to respond to her fervor, but it's clear that she's in control. I let her unbutton my shirt only to feel her lips on my skin moments after. She's everywhere: her mouth on mine, one of her hands in my hair and the other on my chest, her legs around me, her crotch brushing mine repeatedly. I am in heaven and she's a goddess. My goddess. All I can do is please her so she'll let me stay up there with her. I love her, god I love her. 

We come back down, exhausted but happy, tired but extremely content, breathless but blissful. We lay on our sides, our faces inches away, my fingers in her hair and hers drawing patterns on my chest. I steal a few kisses, making her laugh.

"Ask me," she whispers, interlocking her free hand with mine. I scrunch my brows, unsure if she's asking what I think she is. "Ask me now."

"But I don't have the rin..."

"I don't care, just ask me," she cuts me. I make a move to sit down but she makes me lie down again. I nod a few times, keeping my hand in her hair and looking at her in the eyes.

"Eleanor, I know I haven't always been the best version of myself with you, but you always made me want to get better, so I could one day say that I deserve you. When I saw you in that bar all those years ago, I knew I had to get to know you, I knew you were special, but I never thought you would see something special in me. But you did, and I am who I am today because of you, because you stuck with me no matter what. I was stupid enough to let you go once and I promised myself I would never let that happen again. If you'll let me, I'd like to prove that to you every day for the rest of our life. I know we're young, but I know it's you, it's always been you. So, Eleanor Rose Martin, will you marry me?" I am out of breath when I stop talking. For the second time tonight, her eyes are filled with tears. She pushes me on my back and climbs on top of me one more time. Her lips are back on mine, but their attack is a lot softer, kinder.

When she pulls away, a few seconds later, I ask her, a huge smile on my face: "So, will you?" She nods repeatedly, her smile matching mine.

"Of course, I will. I love you so much, Ben." And, for the second time tonight, we lose ourselves in each other, but, this time, it's a lot softer, slower, gentler, and filled with love.

Was it just me or was that super cute!? Only five chapters left you guys!!

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