The Burnet Flag

758 29 19

(I need a name for Luxembourg)

The NA triblets + some left.

Spain was first to speak up, "Out of all the things he got from me! Why that?!" Antonio asked out loud.

The nordics were still silent after the America-Canada reveal.

"Who knows hermano, who knows" Diego sighed, "Maybe if SOMEONE didn't drop him as a baby he might have turned out a little different" Diego glared at the Cubain who had been unnaturally quiet.

"It wasn't me! He was like that before I was even allowed to babysit him! Be punched France in the gut when he tried to get close" Carlos defended.

"I remember that, and it wasn't the gut, it was lower" Lovino laughed.

A few nations winced at the statement, a few laughed, others remained silent.

"Big brother?" Elise asked turning to her brother.


"Is it possible to never miss a shot?"

He thought before speaking, "Yes, but it's practically a million to one odds."

"I think we found the million in one then" Elizabeta said looking at the bullet hole in the wall.

"Yeah Aust is terrifying, but in a good way" Kahikilani said nodding to himself. Others stared at him confused.

"Good scary" Rada said simply, her pickaxe resting on her shoulder.

An hour passed and everyone came but Austin didn't.

"Where's the brat?" Arthur asked.

"It's time then," Rada said abruptly grabbing the book, "Bring us back to the wild west," She commanded the books pages fluttered and hovered just above her hands. "Back to the rage mental state of hell, show these people who is hidden by the smile" Rada commanded.

Colors flooded the room and a few other ancients appeared. Rome, Germania and Lady Greece.

"Show us the West and pulling of tides, show us the termoule of years past" Rada said again, now her outfit was changing. Everyone's outfits were also changing to fit into the old west.

When the colors settled they found themselves in the wild west, sparse grass and dusty wind.

"The wild west, what modern day state?" Jackson asked.

"Nevada I believe, the best place for alcohol, and you know very well that is Austin's calling" Rada sighed and looked around. "We just need to find Austin now, careful" Rada stated calmly looking around for where the boy might be hiding.

"Such a shame, Austin had so many faces yet all so hard to spot," Kahikilani sighed looking around for the distinctive curl.

"Go try and find him, we'll tell you if we do" Rada told them as Kahikilani and herself walk away.

"Don't worry, no one can see you" Lady Greece said softly, nations nodded and split off. Alfred walked around looking for one important building. The saloon.

"Alfred!" Matthew ran to catch up with his brother, "how are we going to find Austin?" Matthew asked.

"The saloon" Alfred said abruptly. "Isn't Austin 16? He can't drink yet, anywhere" Matthew asked shocked.

"Austin has always loved alcohol,he knows how to get it" Alfred muttered before running into the saloon. He phased right threw the swinging doors and glared around the room before landing on a single person with a midnight blue bandana and captivating eyes.

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