Dinner and Barricades

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Notes: I need hc for the other nations cuz dis bish doesn't have any. Please and thank you(And credit will be given where credit is due, make some fluffy, I need them for the next chapter)

Feliciano, Lovino, Romeo and Rome(What should his name be?) were busy cooking away as a few nations gathered. Those being, Germany, China, Japan. England, France and Russia.

"So America has a secret brother and two children?" England stated frustrated.
"Da, it seems that way. Valentine seems like a sweet child. Perhaps she will become one with mother Russia.
"No thank you Mr. Ivan!" Valentine said walking past the door Peter and Shawn on her heels.
"Aww" Ivan whined, but happy nonetheless that the child was no way scared of him.

"Don't you think it's a little suspicious that he kept them a secret for so long?" England asked.
"Not really, We all knew about them since Vermont was a republic and so was Texas. Aru" China stated, he hated meddling with children's lives.

He does however remember seeing the American carry around Austin for many meetings. It was a little confusing at first because the different of a dress with his hair down and pants with his hair up was vast but he ended up learning that the boy just didn't care. Then vermont who would scream to gather everyone's attention back when their human name was Victor.

"What else is Amérique hiding?" France asked.

"I berive he wanted to be carred his name or North" Japan reminded.

"Whatever" France sighed.

"If he hasn't told us then it's none of our business," Germany grumbled, "Plus, they don't seem any more of a threat then Alfred. He seems to know them well and takes care of them so there is no need for interference."

"He's a superpower! We should know!" England ranted.

"No aru! He has right to privacy! Especially with kids aru!" China stated. Now there was children in the equation they could see why Alfred kept them secret, expressly from England and France with the say they where acting.

Yao was a family person, he kept if family close to his heart and would do everything he could as their older brother, not a country but a brother, to keep them safe. He could see why he acted to violently to Japan, country not Kiku, when Japan bombed Hawaii. It must've hurt seeing, pursumally, a child so hurt. Especially if that child was his.

Ivan always had a soft spot for kids, but seeing Valentine talk to him with no fear was exciting. She even jumped up onto a chair to look him in the eyes, more or less, when talking to him. He didn't quite understand Victor to Valentine name change but she wasn't scared of him so he was happy with that.

Ludwig trusted his brother and his judgement. The children didn't seem any more of a threat then Alfred even if the taller one seemed a bit unstable.

Kiku preferred to stay away from another nation's home life, it wasn't his business. Although he was impressed that Alfred managed to keep it a secret for so long.

"The black haired one should be dead! He's a dead nation and should have stayed that way. There is no way he is anything but trouble!" Arthur ranted
"Valentine, is far too close to my little Matthew. With that ax she flaunts around she might was well just scream she wants to kill us all." France growled.
"And they were kept a secret! They must he absolutely awful if ALfred of all people are able to keep a secret! They shouldn't be here, they aren't nations and being raised by ALfred of all people is horrible for their health and sanity" England concluded leaving the room shocked.

Ludwig wanted to kill them for the dead republic remark, Gilbert was a dead nation and Ludwig never took kindly to remarks about it.
Yao wanted to kill them for the fact they just insinuated that as former nations and CHILDREN they shouldn't exist.
Kiku was apoled about the remarks about Alfred, He knew that Alfred could get a little outlandish but it made much more sense seeing Austin and Valentine. Not to mention he knew Alfred was a far better cook then Arthur seeing as Alfred had cooked for him on multiple occasions.
Ivan was angered at the remark about his new friend, especially since he had asked about it and she just used it to tap trees for maple syrup, she found it better to use instead of a hammer.

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