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Austin rubbed his arm uncomfortably, it was more of the topic that made him this way. His dad being there actually made it a lot more comfortable.

"Take as long as you need to Austin" Alfred said calmly. Austin could never understand how he kept such a level head.

"I just... don't know where to start" Austin muttered.

"How about a couple of months after everyone seceded," Alfred prompted.

"A couple of weeks after the fighting started... we were all separated. I was sent to fight... Then after a few months I was pulled out for an 'experiment'..." his voice trailed off and he closed his eyes.

He could still feel the pain, the rawness in his throat from screaming and the blood dripping down his face. How he survived in the first place was a miracle.

"Austin, you don't have to talk about it, Star" Alfred said softly, he knew was Austin was pushing it breaking point. It was easy to tell if you knew him well enough.

"No. I need to actually fucking talk about this" Austin muttered, his head hung however. He dragged his gloved figures down him forearms.

"They carved out my eye out, then I was thrown into slavery until my eye healed. They wanted to see if it would... grow back. But it just... hurt. It hurt like fucking hell. They kept hitting my back for not moving fast enough because I had my fucking eye carved out of my fucking head. I told England blatenly what the fuck was happening but he did nothing! He said it was fucking normal! WHO THE FUCK CARVES OUT SOMEONES EYE FOR FUCKING FUN" Austin screamed the last sentence. His emotions were worked up and he breathed more heavily.

Alfred frowned and reached over and started rubbing up and down Austin's arm. It calmed him back down to silence.

"I wanted to leave... I really did. They said they would hurt Acilino, Sage and Frederick and just everyone. I didn't want that." Austin said quietly, " I didn't know what was happening to them, they just kept threatening me with violence toward the others."

Alfred rubbed under Austin's eye, the hollowed out one. The scar was still there it was hard to see since Austin had always tanned well, but it was easy to spot when close up.

"It's not your fault they got hurt Aussie, you didn't know" Alfred said quietly.

"I know, I know, I know, I know" Austin repeated over and over again.

Alfred ran his fingers through Austin's hair when he noticed it was shorter than last time, he didn't say anything about it. He pulled it out off the ponytail and let the boy rest on him.

"It's okay Austin, its okay" Alfred muttered over again.

Austin's hair was now a bit longer then Matthews, skimming just below his shoulder, granted Austin's was also very wavy, a lot more than Matthew's.

It was a while before Austin calmed back down, and was asleep. He always seemed a lot smaller when he was asleep.

"Star boy, dear star boy. The stars shine brighter when you're around. Let's keep it that way" Alfred said quietly moving Austin so he would be leaning on Alfred, Austin was lap because of the way Austin was gripping onto him.

There was a soft knock.

"Come in" Alfred sighed and the door creaked open revealing Kiku.

"Hey keeks" Alfred said softly trying not to wake up Austin.

"Hello Alfred, Yao said to tell you lunch was ready" Kiku said quietly, but lunch was enough to stir Austin.

"Lunch?" He said his voice dripped with sleep and southern. To someone none american it would be hard to understand but Alfred understood.

"Yeah star shine, it lunch time" Alfred mostioned Kiku to leave witch he did.

Alfred soon came to the dinning room with Austin trailing behind him like a duckling. Alfred sat him next to Valentine and Micheal.

Lunch didn't take long and they where all back in the meeting room. A few had brought their plates with them, mainly the Americans. Who were still eating away.

Jett(Australia) was reading trying his best to suppress his accent.

When Alfred grew up fast when Matthew was officially in England's care because that's when he took on more responsibility and workload because none of the work could get to England in time so Alfred took it all over. He wanted to be able to work out all the issues and still play with Matthew. That's where he got his workaholic nature from. Witch made him stay awake at night to do work and then play with Matthew during the day.

"Mate! You did that?" Jett said leaning against the table looking at Alfred.

"Someone had to and it obviously wasn't going to be Arthur and Jackson was working all day and night" Alfred ranted. Matthew stared at his brother confused.

"What do you mean 'working all day and night'?" Tino asked.

"When money ran dry I had to work so we could ya know, eat?" Jackson shrugged.

"Arthur. Wot the-" Britanna slapped her hand over Allistor's mouth and glaring at Arthur.

"The next one is a memory" Ludwig declared.

"Thanks for the memories

Even though they weren't so great

"He tastes like you only sweeter"

One night, yeah, and one more time

Thanks for the memories" Both Alfred and Jackson sang.

"Um sure" Ludwig said questionenly.

"Let's get this ball rolling" Valentine declared still eating from her plate, she had gon back for.. Many more plates of food witch she enjoyed and Austin also ate happily.

Others nodded tp Valentine's statement.

Ludwig flipped the page and they appeared in a empty, abandoned town. 

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