Chapter 9

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CHAPTER WARNINGS: hot tub, magic penis, fellatio, fondling, doggy style, anal fingering, anal sex.

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Neither of the two were in a particularly buoyant mood following that. Eventually, Asami decided she could not help but call the Fire Pit and demand to speak to a manager about the lackluster service they had received. Though the employee's tone turned distinctly more uncomfortable when she deduced the reason for the unpleasantness, she did promise to provide them with a complimentary meal to make up for their negative experience. She said they were entitled to fine Fire Nation cuisine, despite their, to quote, "alternative lifestyle choice." Asami told her that she and her life partner would have to consider it further.

Of course, once she hung up she got no end of razzing from Korra for using the label "life partner", but Asami couldn't bring herself to mind terribly. At least Korra was in a better mood for that moment.

The next morning, they opted to have juice brought to them in the gym instead of eating first. Once they had worked up a sweat — this time, only by exercising — they retired to the dining room for a well-earned breakfast.

Fresh juice and a vigorous workout were exactly what Korra needed, as usual, to take her mind off her troubles. When she went toe-to-toe with Asami it was easy to forget about the Fire Pit, about the explosion, and to just melt into the serene presence of her partner. By the end of their workout she was practically in her own little world.

Then Asami's butler interrupted. Someone was on the telephone for Korra: Chief Lin Beifong. She took the phone with a sudden and renewed vigor, eager as she was for any news about the explosion.

"Avatar Korra," Lin greeted her cooly. "I thought I would find you with Miss Sato. We need to talk, all of us. Can the two of you meet me back at the site of the bombing?"

Korra agreed quickly, said goodbye to Lin, and immediately told Asami everything. "She said it was a bombing, Asami," she concluded softly. "We were right. Someone did that those people's homes, on purpose!"

Deflating on the spot, Asami put down her knife and fork, sliding her fruit away from herself. Her appetite had mysteriously vanished. "As we feared. Did she give you any more details or just ask us to meet there?"

"Just... show up," Korra replied, at a loss. "That's all. Lin isn't really much of a talker, but we gotta go. It's kind of my job to look into this kind of thing, and... well, I'd feel a lot better about it if you're helping me."

"Of course, Korra." Standing up, she turned toward the door before glancing back at her. "Did you... I mean, did it sound urgent? I don't really want to show up to a crime scene in an official capacity wearing a tank top and shorts."

"We should probably put on some real clothes," replied Korra. "But we shouldn't waste time, either. Lin Beifong doesn't ask for help unless she really needs it."

In short order, both Korra and Asami were dressed and off to the scene of the crime in one of Asami's more practical Satomobiles. When they arrived, the place looked almost deserted, except for a couple of police officers standing outside the building. As soon as they parked their car, Beifong emerged from among them.

Something disturbed Korra immediately about the building. "When we were here right after the explosion, weren't there Spirit Vines growing all over one side of this place?" she whispered to Asami.

"You're right," Asami answered her. "Were they removed to examine the scene more thoroughly, or what?" Then they were within a few yards of the chief, and she cleared her throat to address her. "Chief Beifong, good morning."

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