Chapter 1

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NOTE: Legend of Korra and related characters and settings are © their owners. Story and plot are ©2015 by Cartesian and Jessica. No flying bison were harmed in the making of this fanfiction.

WARNING: Extremely NSFW in multiple chapters, for sexual situations, coarse language, violence, dubious consent, and other crazy stuff. PLEASE watch the beginning of every chapter for more in-depth warnings about the content! If any of the kinks listed hold the possibility of triggering you, please DO NOT READ THIS FIC. If you disregard this warning, you do so at your own risk. Also, no kink-shaming and no mindless flaming. If your criticism of the fic only has to do with the kinks involved, keep it to yourself and go find something else to read.

EDIT: Apparently, people on Wattpad can't read warnings and are rude as hell. Thanks for the bullying. I'm sure you feel proud of yourselves and will feel even better when you read this note. It's not fun for me, it's not smart discourse, it's just you guys being unkind children who probably aren't old enough to be reading this anyway. Just think about what kind of energy you're putting out in the world, because y'all ain't it.

Important note, however: please don't misconstrue all sexual acts in this fic as ones that Cartesian and/or myself actually participate in, have ever tried, or condone in reality. Most of them are all well and good, but there are a few of these that are simply not a good idea to try. PLEASE do your own research before attempting anything in this story with your own sexual partners! Be safe above all else!

CHAPTER WARNINGS: Just fluffy kisses. For now.

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Thunderstruck. That's how Korra felt when the illustrious Asami Sato agreed to go on a private vacation with her, and yet more surprised when she requested the Spirit World be their destination. Korra had expected her to request a more high-profile locale, like Ember Island. But the Spirit World was at least one place where the Avatar could be sure to impress Asami, to show her something new and wonderful she hadn't ever seen before.

It didn't take them long to prepare for their getaway, eager as they both were to escape all the stress and trouble and painful memories they wanted to leave behind. Asami notified her secretary of their absence, and they both packed bags. Korra wasn't entirely sure what to bring with her to the Spirit World, but she settled on some clothes, a comb and some soap and the like, and a few snacks to sustain them until they found food there, as well as a blanket roll.

After that, the new Spirit Portal was just a few minutes' drive from the Sato Mansion, with a few shortcuts around wreckage and vines. Kuvira had done a number on Republic City, and Korra felt a little bad for cutting and running when there was such a mess to be cleaned up. But stopping Kuvira and her giant metal monster, the Avatar thought, had been enough. She deserved a break — no, she needed one — and the opportunity to be truly alone with the woman who had become her best friend over the past few years made her feel a little more cavalier about her "responsibilities." She'd been waiting far too long to find the perfect moment with the dark-haired beauty she'd admired for so long. Perhaps the solitude of the Spirit World would be exactly the right place, and time, for Korra to confess her intentions...

When they reached the Spirit Portal, they parked the car at the edge of the deep crater and went down into the sea of vines on foot. The sun was still an hour or two below the horizon, and the warm light of the Portal illumined the space around them like an earthbound moon. They both stopped just a few feet short of the light itself. Korra looked to her left and saw Asami gazing up in awe, hair and eyes shining like stars in its glow. Slowly the Avatar reached out, and after a moment's hesitation, took Asami's hand and smiled.

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