Chapter 5

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CHAPTER WARNINGS: mystical possession, magical g!p, fellatio, clothes-ripping, penetrative sex, clouded judgment, congress of the cow (AKA, doggy style), biting, scratching, possessive talk, aaaaand dubious consent.

~ o ~

When Korra woke, not knowing how long she had been out, she was rather shocked to see Asami asleep beside her. She'd thought Asami said she wasn't tired... but no matter. This was nice. Never did she have any kind of problem being snuggled up against the side of the warm and inviting Miss Sato.

She was just about to turn over and put her arm around her lover when she heard a soft stirring nearby. Rolling in the opposite direction, Korra was shocked and infuriated to see that their packs had been torn open, and all manner of little rodent-like Spirits were invading their food supplies! The little beasts were just finishing up the last bits of their food — all of their food. Korra's seal jerky and seaweed dumplings had been reduced to nothing more than crumbs, as had whatever food Asami had in her bag. It was all unrecognizable now.

"Hey!" Korra shouted, springing to her feet. She rushed over to the bags and gently, but enthusiastically, shooed away the little rodent-Spirits. "Do you have any idea who I am? That was the Avatar's food you stole!"

Asami stirred and sat up very slightly, squinting against the unwelcome light. "Wha... hmmh? What happened?"

"Spirits ate our food!" Korra exclaimed, looking positively dejected. "It's all gone!" She picked up her torn bag and shook it for emphasis, dumping out clothes, but no food. "And I'm hungry!"

"Oh no!" Asami half-blurted as she attempted to sit up better. Her head was so fuzzy, and it had never felt like that before. "What's... damn, what are we going to do?"

Korra gave a frustrated grunt as she threw her ruined backpack onto the ground with a much louder thud than a backpack ought to make. Then she crossed her arms. "I guess... I'm just going to have to find us something to eat. There was fruit here earlier, right? I bet there's some still around here somewhere..."

"Okay, that's... yeah, you can do that. I'll try to get our things together, see what can be salvaged." As she finally managed to stand up, she laughed. "And... I guess I'll put on some pants. Forgot about that part."

"Good idea," said Korra, already squinting around in the distance for someplace that might be good to search. "I won't be long. Maybe..." Her eyes widened as she spotted a place in the far distance where some of the trees seemed to be speckled with many colors. "I think there might be some stuff over there, okay? Be right back."

The Avatar gave Asami a quick squeeze and a kiss on the cheek before spinning herself an Air-scooter ball and speeding off towards the colorful trees. She was only showing off a little, she rationalized; there were much showier things she could have done to get from Point A to Point B...

But Asami only snorted as she picked up her own bag and checked the ravaged contents. There were a few shreds in every single garment inside; most of them were quite easily repairable, but others were a loss. Oh well. While she waited, she began the slow process of sorting them into two piles.

~ o ~

Korra had been right about the trees in the distance. They were somewhat of a trek — she could just barely see Asami from there, even though it was a direct path — but it didn't take her long to arrive by Air-scooter. And just as she'd suspected, they were filled with the wonderful fruits they had found before. Why they were here and not where they made their campsite, Korra didn't know. Maybe the Spirits who liked to eat them didn't live out here, she supposed — or had moved away from their "campsite" out of respect, and the trees had followed. Anything was possible.

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