Chapter 1

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I let out a frustrated yelled and hit my hands against the hard wall. "Why can't this be easy!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Hoping somebody would be close enough to hear me.

The door slammed open and a guard walked in. "I've told you many times not to be yelling. So shut up!" He yelled roughly.
"What are you going to do anyways? You have said that a thousand times." I huffed and rolled my eyes at him. I wasn't really in the mood today to take this. He was making me mad. I didn't really care what he did because it was probably better than sitting a concrete box for fourteen years doing nothing.

He stared me down. His eyes asking me to challenge him again. So I did. I let out a blood curdling scream. His face was shocked to say the least. When my mouth shut he just stared at me, turned around and left.

"Ahhhh!" Siting down, I hit the back of my head on the wall really hard.

What could I do to get out of here? The guard wasn't protected with weapons, but that could still be risky.

So I decided to plan it out.

I sat on my bed for days trying to figure out just how hard it would be. Every plan ended up a no because they wouldn't work. And I didn't have super powers.

The guard had to force feed me. He said that I needed to be healthy. Nobody had even been in here except me. I think. The main point was that I was stuck here and not out living a real life.

The guard mentioned something about me meeting someone or getting someone new to the facility.

I was losing my mind. So to help, I took a nap. Getting up on the cold hard bed, I pulled the sheet over my body.


When I woke up from my sleep, I realized that I wasn't in my bed. Or my room. I looked around to see a wooden night stand beside the king sized bed.

I went to sit up, when something pulled on my wrists. I looked to see them tied with a rope to the bed.

I had been raped the same way three years ago by a masked man. He raped me for a week straight. A while later, he told me that I was pregnant. I was a little happy that I was going to have a baby. Not at fifteen for with a man I didn't even know. But the fact that it wouldn't just be me.

One day about two months into my pregnancy, he got tired of the idea of a baby. And kill it. I cried for weeks. He even had my uterus cut out so I wouldn't have anymore kids. The raped me again on my sixteenth birthday. He told me he got me something good for me turning sixteen. He had two other men come in to watch. He wanted it to be even more special so he had the other guys rape me along with him.

One guy almost didn't follow orders when he was told to rape me. He was easy on me and didn't hurt me like the other two were. The look in his eye made me want to trust him.

He is now the guard for my room. I kind of liked it because when I needed a friend to talk to, he was there. We became really good friends until the master found out he was helping me. The next night, James was forced to raped me. If he didn't do it how the master wanted, he would have to start over.

My life sucked. I tried to talk to James about it one day. He said he enjoyed it. He said it was making love to me because he had strong feelings for me. After he said that I did realize that it felt good. Not like the others.

Days went by and James stayed at my door. If the master came by he acted mean and tough on me. When he wasn't there, he lightened up. He actually laughed.

The master heard him and I having a good time. One night I was sleeping and I was sleeping good for once, when I heard a gun shot. The next morning, when I was brought my food, I was also brought James' dead body.

Kill MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz