First Day

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I had arrived at Far Point station, waiting on the newest version of the USS Enterprise. My parents had fond memories of that ship with their Captain Kirk. Like the both of them I was a science officer, and like my mother I strived to be the best science officer. Unlike my mother, I joined Starfleet later, so I am older than she was. That didn't make her any less proud. She was just happy enough to see me get this old.

She didn't get that chance with her own parents. My father on the other hand looked at the crew manifest. He informed me that despite what happened to my mother's parents, that I was to get along with any crew on the ship. There was one I was going to find challenging according to him. I told him that I would keep my emotions in check. I was a Vulcan after all, and we are not to be overcome by our emotions.

They both smiled, my father holding my mother's shoulders lovingly as I had gone to board the ship. They had always been like that. Only to each other did they let the facade slip. Only to me did they give such a warm good-bye. Her captain Kirk was like my uncle, but he wasn't able to be there that day. My mother had given me a shawl to wear when I wasn't in my quarters. She wasn't ashamed of my ears, but she didn't know how the crew would react to me.

It was her way of expressing how worried she was. They had gone through a lot in deep space, my mother almost dying a few times. They told me stories about the adventures they had, and gave me a warning. Khan was a dangerous man. That while he wouldn't be a problem for me there were many other dangerous people like him out in space. "Let's see where were we?"

I turned my head to see Mr. Riker walking next to doctor Crusher. "I was accusing you of inventing work in order to curry favor with our new captain. I apologize. Oh, Ms. (Y/n), have you met Commander Riker yet?"

I walked up to the two of them. "No, Ms. Crusher. I have yet to acquaint myself with any of the others in our crew aside from yourself. I hope that the medical supplies from my parents made it in transport. My mother thought you might find them useful when treating my injuries."

She nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yes, they will arrive in Sickbay when the Enterprise arrives. Now then, Commander allow me to introduce you to Ms. (Y/n). You would not be able to pronounce the rest of her name. Trust me I've already tried. (Y/n), are you going to wear that the entire time?"

I thought back to what my parents had said about the crew's reactions to me. Yet, he was my commanding officer and Ms. Crusher seemed to find him easy enough to speak with. "It's quite alright Ms. (Y/n), you don't have to remove the hood." I gently shook my head taking it gently between my fingers. Pulling the hood off slowly so that he could see me. The smile he had a few moments ago vanished, I was unsure if he was sceptical or wary of me. After all, Romulans did have a very similar look about them.

I stood at attention. "I assure you sir that I am not a Romulan. My mother was human, my father... was Ambassador Spock.They both served on the USS Enterprise under the command of my uncle, Captain James T. Kirk." I could see the wheels turning in his head as he thought about it. His smile finally returning.

His hand extending out for me to accept. "I see. Your father is a good man. But I was unaware he married.. and to a human no less." I nodded taking his hand in a firm grasp. One that my mother taught me.

He looked a little surprised. "Yes, she was one of the best scientists to work under Captain Kirk. My father thought she was 'fascinating' that she acted like a Vulcan despite not being one. Or having the abilities they possess. That being said, her past will not affect my ability to work with the crew sir. I was made aware of the treaty between the Federation and the Klingon empire. Therefore it would be illogical for me to hold it against anyone on the Enterprise."

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