An Acadamy for...Vampires?

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Gala looked at Jessica and nodded her head. She knew that Jessica could handle this. It was one of the hardest parts to get through, explaining to someone that they are a vampire (or in some cases werewolves) now, never to go home to see their friends or family until they have learned to control their abilities to the point that they will not hurt anyone. It was tough. The first couple of hours, after the newly made vampire is awake and out of all pain from the change, are usualy the worst.

Jessica took a deep breath and looked at Jordan, her eyes pleading for him to understand. She bit her bottom lip and looked down at her feet. Every thought that she had that was originally running through her head was now gone. Her head was empty of all thoughts. She needed to make sure that she could get him through this. The worst part about it was that she could feel all of his emotions now. They were bonded and by the look that just crept his face, she knew that he could feel it too. She wondered if Korba was having any problems with his assignment?

"Jessica, say it again," Jordan said through gritted teeth. "I need to hear you say it again."

Jessica took a deep breath again and looked up at Jordan. Slowly, she exhaled. She was so nervous! "Jordan, the three of us in this room are vampires. You were my assignment. My assignment was to make you a vampire..."

"Is that all I was to you?" he asked, hurt shooting through his eyes. She could feel the pain he was feeling shoot through her heart like a metal stake. This feeling could tear her apart. "Tell me, is that all I was to you? A fucking 'A' grade?!"

If she could cry, the tears would be pouring down her cheeks as the pain grew more and more. "No, you are not just an 'A' grade. You have been my best friend for years. I didn't want you to be my assignment. I would have done anything to not have you as my assignment. I didn't want to condemn you to this life because I knew that you wouldn't like it. But my hands were tied in the matter. If I didn't change you, I would have had to wait months before I was able to get another assignment which would still be you." She rubbed her eyes. This was the first time since she had been changed that she wished she still had the ability to cry. The pain was too great. "I fought to have my assignment be someone else. I really did. Ask Gala! But they gave me two options: change you or be set back at least a year and I have worked too damn hard to be set back."

Jordan shook his head and stared between Jessica and Gala. He just couldn't seem to wrap the news around his head. He was...he was a vampire? They were at an exclusive acadamy for beings that he believed only existed in fairy tales and scary movies? He felt as if he was going crazy. He wanted to ask if it was a joke, just some crazy practical joke that these two were playing on him but he could tell from the look in Jessica's eyes that she wasn't lying. It seemed as if this was one of the hardest truths that she has ever had to tell anyone. It looked as if his pain was causing her great pain. He had seen in a movie that some vampires, once changed, are bound to their creator. Was this one of those times?

The entire room had been silent since Jessica finished her explanation. It was as if everyone was holding their breath to see his reaction, which, as vampires, they didn't really need to breath so they weren't really holding their breath. It still confused Jordan. Everything was still so confusing. One minute, he was on a date with who he thought was the most amazing girl ever. The next, he was in some fucked up fairytale with him as one of the main stars. What was his life coming to? He didn't say anything. He just shook his head and walked out of the room. As he shut the door, Jessica moved to go after him.

"Leave him be, Jessi," Gala said as she placed an arm around Jessica's shoulders. "He needs some time to cool off and let everything sink in. This is normal and he's taking it much better than most vampires. Just give him some time." Jessica nodded her head before placing it on her shoulder. Her mentor was the one thing that made this whole thing easier. If Gala said that everything was going to be okay, everything would turn out okay. Now, she just needed to wait and hope that very shortly, Jordan would be able to talk to her some more so she could help him through this more.

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