Just One More Kiss

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Jordan Pouers wasn't your typical high school male. He looked the part, wearing Hurley t-shirts, ripped jeans, and a pair of beat up DC shoes. He walked around the halls with his skater friends, his back-pack one-strapped over his left shoulder and his skateboard in his right hand. He was the guy that all the girls wanted and that most people wanted to be friends with. He was the best friend for so many people, the guy that everyone could count on and trust.

But like most people, Jordan had a secret


"Jordan Pouers? No, I will not do that to him!" Jessica yelled as she looked around the semi-circle in front of her where the elders were seated. She had been waiting for her first assignment, her first turn that would put her on the map. "Come on, why not John Mahloney? Why not Joshua Gordo?"

"Mahloney deserves any and all punishment that he recieves, not what could be a blessing or could make him even worse," Gaina, the Queen, said. "And Gordo will be Kayla's assignment. Jordan Pouers is your assignment."

"If you're not ready to take on the responsibility, that's fine. We can easily pass this assignment on to someone else. Someone who is ready to handle it," Krono, the King, said as he stared down from his thrown.

"No! Oh, no, Krono, I am ready," Jessica said. She was not going to be pushed back into training if the Highers believed that she was ready for an assignment. "When must I leave?"

"We're leaving in ten minutes," Gala, the Princess, said as she stood up, the bottom of the maroon robes that matched her parents' robes skimming the floor. "Get everything you will need for this assignment and meet me at the bottom of the Grand Staircase. You have ten minutes starting now."

Jessica nodded and left the Throne Room. She couldn't believe that her very first assignment was one of her oldest friends. How was she supposed to sentence her old blonde hair, green eyed crush? Her stomach was doing flips as she tried to grab just a few things before she was thrown back into high school for a few days. If she was lucky, she wouldn't need to spend more than an hour in that place. She had never been to any school other than Chrisma Acadamy - a school for the magical. There were students from every type of background; from witches and warlocks to vampires to werewolves. There were students who could shapeshift and students who were intelligent enough to poison someone just by sneaking one herb into their meal.

Once her bag was full, she made her way out of her room, knowing that this could be the last time that she would see the room that had been her home for years. She walked down the Grand Staircase and made her way over to Gala.

Gala turned and flashed her gleaming smile, her fangs glittering underneath the lights. "Are you ready to leave? With this one turn, little sister, you will become the vampire that we have always dreamed of having here at Chrisma." Gala called any of the vampiric students little brother or little sister.

Jessica nodded her head and took a look around her quickly. If everything went well, she wouldn't have to come back to this place except to visit and Jordan Pouers would be under her control.

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