Hyung, hearteu.

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Jungkook’s Pov

I heard the running of tiny feet and wondered what was wrong because in the short time I have lived with Taehyung he hated when the kids ran around the house. He always worried about them falling even when the floors were covered with the softest rug I have ever put my foot on. Mick came into the room with tears rushing down his face. 

“Hey baby, what’s wrong?” I asked him while picking him up. Where was Taehyung and what happened? 

“Papa is not waking up!” he cried out. I walked to the kitchen still wondering what exactly he was talking about. When I got to the kitchen I saw Taehyung on the floor with his phone beside him. I dropped Mick on the floor and picked up Micah and put her beside her brother and they hugged each other crying uncontrollably. If it was any other case I would have cooed at how cute they were. They probably did not understand what was going on but the fact that their other Dad was not waking up was enough to make them shed tears. 

I picked up the phone and dialed the emergency number. I told the operator exactly what I knew and within minutes there were ambulances outside. They came in and took Tae to the ambulance after asking me questions, like  whether he had any pre-existing conditions and what triggered him to go unconscious. For has long as I had known Taehyung he had no health problems whatsoever and that is what I told them. And I answered that I had no idea as to why he fainted. 

I dressed the kids up and took Tae’s car keys since I could not do the long process of transferring the car seats. I also took Tae’s phone with me so I could contact someone he knew when we got to the hospital. And then I drove to the hospital. When we got there, they had us wait in a waiting room where I calmed down my children and tried to make them sleep on the rows of chairs. They fell asleep already tried from the amount of tears they shed. 

Taehyung was a very confused person. When I went to his contacts he had three numbers saved as ‘hyung’ but one had one heart beside it while the other had two hearts beside it and the last contact had three hearts beside it. I called the person saved as ‘Hyung’ with two hearts beside it. The call went straight to voicemail and a cheery voice said “leave a message whoever you are and when I am bored I'll call you back. BYEEEEEEE” I cut the call before the beep. The number with one heart was unavailable and finally the last one picked up the call with a bright “hello”

“Um hey…” I greeted back. 

“Who are you? That’s not Taehyung’s voice! Are you calling to ask for a ransom because if you are I am broke as hell.” the voice said back. What the? What ransom?

“Uh no. I was calling because Taehyung is in the hospital.” I said fast. 

“What the hell? What happened? Is he alright? Can you please call the number with the name Hyungsik or Yoongi on his phone? They can come to you immediately and I will get the next flight back. And can you please look for his two children and keep them safe?” Jin, which I recognized as Tae’s pregnant business partner who was on vacation, said. He sounded so scared. I wondered if this had ever happened before. 

“Jin?”I asked him to make sure I was talking to the right person.

“Do I know you? Oh wait, you’re Jungkook right? Namjoon’s friend.” 

“Ah yes. Do you know if he is going to be okay? The doctors are not saying anything to me” 

“He survived it last time. I am currently praying for the same result. I cannot afford to lose Taehyung.” What was he on about? It had happened before apparently and Tae almost died the last time. I did not want Tae to die, not after the butterflies came back. 

“Did he not tell you? Oh and you are with the kids right?” I heard Jin’s voice from the receiver. 

“No. And yes the kids are sleeping beside me right now and Tae’s contact numbers are confusing, besides that no one, except you, is picking up. And I thought…  we were on good terms so I do not know why Tae did not tell me about this. Do you by any chance have any idea why?” 

“No. Anyway, I have to pack if I want to catch the next flight. Please take care of his kids well and try to update me with everything the doctor tells you. I will most likely see you tonight.”

“Please take it easy. You are pregnant, do not forget that.”

“Okay take care” and with that he hung up. 

After waiting for hours, in between the kids woke up and I tried to veer away from the topic of their Papa as much as possible, the doctor finally came into the room. His face was unreadable.

“How is he?” I asked, afraid to hear the answer.  

“We were able to stabilize him.” the doctor paused and I let out a sigh of relief. “We will be watching him for a while in the hospital.” He completed it and I thanked him for his effort. 

None of the numbers I was asked to call by Jin were connected and we were not allowed to see Taehyung immediately but he was okay and that was all I needed. 

A/N: I am super sorry for the short and late update. I had a lot of things I had to take care of for the past week. I might hopefully have some free time this coming week so I’ll definitely write and update. 

Thank you for reading! 

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