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Taehyung’s POV

“Hyungsik hyung, I told him!” I whispered yelled into the phone even if I was alone in the room but it was still at night so I was not taking any chances.

“Told who?” He asked tiredly and I felt sorry for waking him up in the middle of the night but I had to tell someone.

“Jungkook. I told him about the twins being his kids. Well, more like he found out already. But anyways he knows now.” he let out a gasp.

“Finally. Was wondering when you were going to tell him ever since he started living with you. So? How did he find out? I need every single detail of what happened and how it happened.” He seemed more awake now. I then proceeded to tell him exactly how everything went down this afternoon.

“Okay that is nice and all but are you going to tell him or your kids about you leaving very soon?” I hated it when he brought up this topic. I hated thinking about the fact that I did not have much time left.

“Hyung… can we not talk about this? Please?” I begged. He let out a sigh.

“Tae, you cannot keep avoiding this topic. If you leave without telling your kids or the person you might leave them with about this. How do you think they’d feel? Shouldn’t you settle it with him so he knows he has to take care of the kids?”

“Why are you so sure about me leaving my kids with him. I never said I was going to do so.”

“But ever since this afternoon you have been contemplating it because you felt the agreement with Jin was a little selfish on your path.” I huffed slightly annoyed that he knew me a bit too well for my liking. Why was I so easy to read?

“You’re right” I sighed out defeated. “Why are you so certain that I will be leaving anyways?”

“Tae what is the survival rate? And the death rate?” he asked.

“Survival rate is 1% and the death rate is 99% but you might never know I might be part of the lucky 1%.”I said not believing the words that came out of my mind.

“Yeah. So I guess I am just preparing myself for the worst?” He said, but then sniffled like he was holding back tears. His voice was strained too. We stayed silent for a while. Both of us tried our hardest to stop the tears threatening to fall.

“So when are you going to tell him and how?” Hyungsik asked.

“I think this weekend will be good. I’ll take him to a restaurant and we will eat some delicious food. Then we'll talk about what's been happening in our lives before I drop the bomb on him.” I said dreamily.

“Are you planning a date or a meeting with him?” I felt my cheeks grow hot immediately

“A meeting with him.” I coughed out trying to play it cool like I didn’t just think of how nice it would be going on a date with Jungkook before I finally left. Would I still be the blushing mess I was before we broke up? Would he still be a helpless romantic? I turned to the teddy bear he gave me for Valentines' day the year we broke up. I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away. It held so many happy memories like how we got to begin with. I sighed, I couldn’t believe I still miss those days. I missed the feeling of being loved by that special someone. His cuddles were the warmest well minus my kids’ cuddles theirs were on another level of peace and warmth.

“Yah! Tae? Are you still there?” I heard hyung’s voice from the phone. I zoned out on him.

“Yes, I’m sorry what were you saying?” I asked

“Nevermind it is nothing important. I have to go now. Talk later?”

“Yeah. Good night”

“Night Tae” he replied and hung up. I sighed feeling sorry because I felt like I somehow made him angry. I got under my blanket and let the tears flow out. I did not want to die, at least not yet. I wanted to be there when my kids started school, when they graduated, got their first jobs, married, and had their kids. I wanted to be at every stage of their lives but that was not going to happen now.

My hopes/Taekook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now