He's Fine

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Taehyung’s POV

“It’s Jimin…” I stood up immediately. “H-he… H-he Oh God Tae, jiminie!” “would you please get a hold of yourself and tell me exactly what is going on!” I went to the clothes and took out a pair of jeans and a random oversized hoodie. 

Yoongi took a deep breath. It was surprising to see him like this. “Whew… Okay! Tae I need you to come to the city hospital! They just called me through Jimin’s phone and he is having emergency surgery. They said it was a hemorrhage. Threatened abortion to be precised.” I walked out of my room and ran to MIcheal’s room where the twins and Jungkook were sleeping. Just as I was about to enter the room Jungkook opened the door.

“Hey Tae” he greeted me rubbing his eyes. “Hey! I have a favour to ask of you if that’s okay” I said my voice urgent. “Sure what is it?” he asked coming out of his sleep haze. “Can you watch the kids? I have somewhere urgent to be at right now. Please?” “Sure!” he replied. “Thank you!” I said running straight to the front door grabbing my keys on the way. 

After a twenty minute drive I finally arrived at the hospital. I locked the doors of the car and ran to the place Yoongi texted that he was in the building. When i got to the waiting room in front of the surgery room entrance I saw Yoongi shaking with his head in his palms. When I got closer, I saw that he was sobbing uncontrollably. I sat down beside him and draped my arms on his shoulders.

“Hey hyung it’s okay. He will fine hyung… he’ll be fine.” I said trying to comfort him. “You think so?” I nodded. “God, I’m such a terrible boyfriend! I can’t believe I said those nasty things to him. I pushed him to want to get rid of our baby and because of the stress he had I was putting him through he had threatened miscarriage. They s-said they didn’t notice it when he came in and just went o with the procedures. Tae I put Jimin’s life in serious danger. I’m so terrible. I-if he doesn’t… doesn’t make it then it’ll be my fault.” I let him talk on he needed to say it out and I was so glad he knew his mistakes and faults but I didn’t agree with his last sentence. I let it go though so I wouldn’t interrupt his soliloquising. 

After waiting for about an hour, the head surgeon came out of the surgery room. “How is he!? Is he alright? What of the baby?” Yoongi asked immediately when he saw the doctor. “Sir he is alright.” Yoongi heaved a sigh of relief. “We were able to stop the bleeding on time but we lost the baby in the process. I’m so sorry. We are taking him to a private room where he will be monitored for the next few days. Once again I am sorry for your loss.” he bowed in respect and walked away. 

“He is fine. He is fine. He is fine.” Yoongi kept on muttering under his breath. I held his hand as we walked to the room Jimin was going to be placed in. The couple were in a bad place mentally Jimin more than Yoongi. When Jimin’s sleeping form was wheeled into the room Yoongi stayed by him and didn’t move at all. He was holding his boyfriend crying and proclaiming his apology to the sleeping man on the bed. 

Today was the most I had ever seen Yoongi cry. Yes he was wrong for all the rubbish that came out of his mouth but one could see how sorry he was even if sorry couldn't fix the marks you leave on someone by your words. Even though he had almost lost Jimin to realise his mistake, after all pain teaches us when we are too stubborn to learn, he could see he was wrong. 

After waiting around for about three hours for the anesthesia to wear off, Jimin woke up. When he saw Yoongi he turned his head to the side and closed his eyes again. It was a sign showing he was not in the mood to talk to the older. Yoongi nodded in understanding and pressed the button to call the doctor or nurse. A doctor came in and asked Jimin a few questions while he checked his vitals. When he told the news about Jimin’s baby Jimin only nodded and didn’t say anything or show any sort of emotion on his face. The doctor then told him how important the rest was and that they were going to keep this visit confidential based on the company’s request. When the doctor left, Jimin faced Yoongi, his face still showing no emotion. I took that as a sign to leave so they could talk privately. Once I was outside I took a breather and sat on the chairs outside looking at the clock on the wall. It read 23:12. Today has been a very long day. I thought of calling the house phone to check in with Jungkook about the kids but decided against it thinking that they’d probably be asleep. 

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