Finding Out

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I woke up feeling nauseous. Putting my hand over my mouth, I ran to the bathroom and threw up till it felt like I couldn't throw up anything again. When I was done I saw Yoongi looking at me from the frame of the door. "Are you okay?" he asked eyebrows furrowed in worry.

I started living with Yoongi after I lost both of my parents in a car accident when I was seven years old. It was tragic and it took four years for me to get back to sleeping without nightmares. Yoongi and his parents, my aunt and uncle, were very accommodating and treated me like I was their own son. At first Yoongi did not fancy the idea of sharing a room with me but over the years he warmed up to me and was now looking at me great concern.

"I'm fine hyung" I answered feeling extremely tired even though I just woke up.

"Tell me how you are feel. And be honest" he questioned. "Well, I feel exhausted, have a light headache and feel a bit dizzy. I'm probably coming down with a fever. I'll be fine." I told him responding as honest as I could be.

He didn't say anything but he gave me a look I couldn't place a name on. "Okay. Um... I need you to go lie down." he said grabbing his keys and wallet. "Where are you going to?" I asked him when I saw him leaving the room and knowing Yoongi it was to early for him to be up and working.

"I need to go get something at the store. Don't leave the room until I get back okay?" "Okay hyung" I said with a small panicky voice because he was acting a bit weird.

He left and I waited anxiously for about 30 minutes when he walked back in with a bag. He looked unsure before turning to me and pushing the bag towards me. I looked into the bag and saw a pregnancy test.

"What is this for!? Hyung is this your way of telling me you're pregnant?" I queried unsure of what he was doing. "It's for you" he pointed out. "Why are you giving me a pregnancy test" I mused.

"Why else?" he asked he waited for a while for me to catch on. When he looked at me and saw the confused look I was giving him he sighed and answered his own question.

"I want you to take it." "Why exactly?" I asked looking at him. "Tae you took health class so you should know the symptoms of pregnancy. So please go take that to make sure." He grumbled clearly not wanting to do this.

"Fine but I'm sure I'm not pregnant" I said and he just nodded. I took the bag, went into the bathroom and read-through instructions on the test. I peed on the stick and set a timer for two minutes. After waiting for the long two minutes to be over I picked up the stick and saw the two clear lines. I picked up the kits box again to clearify what the two lines meant.

I think I stood there staring at the stick for a long time because Yoongi walked into the bathroom saying something about what was taking so long when all I had to do was pee on a stick. He looked at me and took the stick from the counter where I was looking at it.

"I was right you are pregnant" he whispered. "That can't be right. It is false. You can't believe all this pregnancy kits... You know they are not accurate" I scoffed. "Tae, you can't have a wrong positive..." he trailed off.

With that I broke down crying. I couldn't be pregnant I thought pulling the hair on my head. I was only 18 years old and was about to enter college with a scholarship that would be probably be revoked when they find out about my dilemma. Yoongi sat next to me not saying anything. After about ten minutes he finally asked the question he's been wanting to " who is the father?" "It's Jungkook" I replied surely.

Jungkook is the only person I've had sex with and thinking back we had sex a week and three days ago, not that I was counting the days since he broke up with me.

"Are you going to tell him?" Now that was something I had to think about. Could I tell him? Knowing Jungkook he'd give up participating in the experiment in Germany and Taehyung couldn't do that to him. That was his dream. Taehyung similed as he remembered the look on Jungkook face when he received the letter saying he was part of the top five people who took the exam hence he could partake in this "life changing experiment" as he put. If Taehyung told him he'd be taking away his happiness. With that in mind he gave Yoongi his answer


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