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Lola inhaled shakily, looking around the room she sat inside. A high ceiling and dark walls. No candles burned or danced in the wind. The clouds were overcast and visable inside the large windows upon the ceiling and the walls.

A tense silence. Breaths were quiet and loud at the same time, the tension palpable and downright painful. It seemed the cold, blackened walls grew eyes that bore into the men's very souls. The jury and the judge sat upon their chairs, looking between each other. Some were bloodlusty, some were small and observed upon their chairs, as nervous as the object of their investigation.

One gave the nod. The herald banged his heel against the cold floor and the doors slowly opened. The herald cried out;

"All rise for Empress Mary of the house of Stuart, Empress regnant of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and it's isles, Queen consort of France, Duchess of Edinburgh, Lorraine and Anjou." the herald cried. The judge and jury and the prisoner stood upon sight of the Empress.

Slow, methodical footsteps echoed through the somber courthouse. Soon, the figure arrived into the room, taking her place above the judge. She wore scarlett satin and raven chiffon, her necklace, earrings and crown substantial with rubies and pearls, face covered by a black veil that dragged longer than the skirt of her ball gown.

In her hand, she carried her sceptre, the other her English coronation orb. Mary's face was stoic and expressionless, golden eyes piercing through the jury and the privy council. She walked bridal-like, her face dark as she slowed behind the great, pearl throne. This wasn't Mary, this was the Empress. And the Empress was here to rule.

Most surprisingly of all was who walked next to her. Not quite surprising was the figure to her left. Black haired, satin and leather clad, dripping in finery. He walked with his mother, replicating her facial expression. James' eyes locked onto the prisoner, jaw tightening at the sight.

The most surprising by far was the boy to Mary's right. Older than James, golden haired and clad in grey velvet. He too looked upon his mother, but his mother was not the Empress he walked beside. No, his mother was the prisoner the Empress was here to observe. Because this, reader, this boy was John Valois.

Mary was trailed the Baroness Kenna and the Dutchess Greer, who took the boys to the side as Mary sat upon her throne. The Baroness in lilac and the Duchess in gold stood to the side with Steven, watching the veiled beauty properly take her seat and observer her Scottish Court. She sat high above the rest of her people, expression stony as everybody took upon their seats.

"Master Voltiers, read out the enditment." the Judge boomed. Mary inhaled deeply as the lead jury member started to read from the scroll.

"We are gathered here today on the 7th of June of the year 1561, the twenty first year of the reign of our sovereign Lady and Mistress, Queen Mary I of the house of Stuart, to foresee the fate of Lola Fleming. The charges, set about on the fifteenth year of the reign of our sovereign Lady, her Imperial Majesty, Empress Mary of the house of Stuart, first of her name, the lady did knowingly commit high treason against her Majesty. In addition, on the eighteenth year of the reign of Empress Mary Stuart, the lady did knowingly commit a second count of high treason and did knowingly work against the crown in an effort to weaken her Impeial Majesties standing on the world's stage." the crime was listed off. Mary highered her chin, looking down at the former Dame in black.

"How do you plead?" the herald gruffed. Mary looked from the aging herald and the former Dame and Lady, who stood upon command.

A pause. A long pause.

Several moments later, Lola spoke. Her voice was deceptively strong, yet wavered under the scrutiny of Mary's soul penetrating, golden coloured gaze.

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