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"Mama!" a voice cried with joy. Mary turned from the window to the door, seeing Francis come in with James on his hip, the latter twisting and squirming in joy at seeing her for the first time today.

"My love." Mary smiled to both of them, walking over to Francis. He stopped and allowed James to lean and kiss his mother, before waving to the bump she sported.

"Hello, mama!" he giggled. "Hello, brother!" James smiled wide. Mary's heart melted as a tiny hand found her bump, rubbing it a little. James seemed so excited for his new sibling, a stark contrast to his reaction to his other sibling who lived not four days ride from where they were now.

"Aren't you sweet today," Mary noticed, placing a hand on his hair, stroking back the silky soft strands.

He let out a sound that resembled a giggle. Mary smiled at him, adoring his sweetness and his cuteness.

"Should we eat?" Francis spoke up from enjoying his view of the mother-son interaction.

"Yay! Look!" James pointed to the door that just squeaked open, revealing several servants carrying pots of freshly brewed tea and trays of cakes and biscuits. "Look!" he repeated, his eyes instantly locking onto his favourite cake, a sweet sponge cut in half, held together by a layer of sweet and thick whipped cream and chopped strawberries, the same chopped berries laying inside the sweet substance and laying on top, dusted with powdered sugar.

Mary watched as they lay their treats down, before slowly taking her place at the table. Now, it was her turn to enjoy the interaction between Francis and James, smiling as they laughed with each other, quietly sipping her tea and eating whatever small pastry was on her silver plate. It was satisfying to see them now, seeing now far they'd came from not that long ago. Now, it seemed like James had known his father his entire life, enjoying his company and presence when just a few months ago, he couldn't stand it. Mary adored them both.

A quick knock echoed throughout the room. Mary turned from her smile towards her husband and son and towards the door, watching as Sara poked her head inside the room.

"Imperial Majesty, aunt. Uncle James, Earl of Moray, the Earl of Montin and Baron Sebastian de Portiers request an immediate audience with your Majesties, aunt, uncle." Sara rambled, in a mix of respect and familiarity.

Uh oh. Mary thought. Whenever Bash, Leith and Bash wished to speak with her and Francis without Kenna with them, it was important. Political and important.

"Very well." Mary replied. "Take the Prince, have him put in the nursery with the Baroness de Portiers and Lady Castleroy."

"Very well, aunt. Shall I take them to Princess Odette de Valois, Lady Meredith de Portiers, Lady Rose and Lord George Castleroy, aunt?"

"With their mothers, yes." Mary instructed, swallowing down the sadness she felt when James started refusing his cousin's arms as she picked him up.

"No, no, mama! Papa! No!"

"I'm sorry, my Prince. Mama and I will come and see you later." Francis said as the door opened, taking away James and Sara and bringing in James Stewart, Leith Bayard and Sebastian de Portiers.

"What is it?" Francis asked, standing up. Mary said nothing, just watched their bows as the candlelight glittered along her pretty face, one hand finding it's way to her mouth, a nervous habit from childhood she'd picked up after her fifth month of conception with her second child. News for Catherine de Medici, who had been confirmed to not be in France and confirmed not to be dead, had been scarce, something everybody knew was worse than having a ton of news about her. A silent Catherine was usually more deadly than a present Catherine.

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