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"Excuse me, your Imperial Majesty?" a voice said. Looking up from her desk -her attention ripped away from the terms of a possible new treaty with Sweden- Mary watched as Steven, her bastard nephew and page came into the room.

"Steven, what is it, boy?" she asked, her words holding no malice, just kindness. A rarity nowadays, Steven one of the only ones out of her political and personal inner circle who knew about the trouble with Francis, seeing as though the Empress' marriage was quietly crumbling behind closed doors.

"The Lady Amelile, my lady." he bowed out and the tall blonde came striding in. Mary smiled softly at one of her favourite working girls, all donned in pink lace and black leather.

James -who sat near her playing with some building blocks and wooden soldiers- squealed in excitement at seeing a familiar face. Especially when that familiar face made his mother happy. 

"My girl, what news do you bring me?" Mary asked.

"Most gracious, your grace." Amelile curtseyed slightly. "I have finished my, how do I put it, correspondence, with one of the Lady Lola's household." they shared a secretive smirk. "And they tell me that by the order of the King, she is confined to the castle, only allowed to stay in her rooms most days. They say the King has spoken with his harlot, telling her that the Lady's future is in his Queen's hands, not his own. Lola is still a Scottish subject, my Queen." Amelile babbled a little. "Officially, he has not made her his mistress, I have spoken with Aimee on the matter -she is quite comfortable with the King's private secretary, Lord Dumas- and she confirms. The Lady is not titled with his harlot, although many speak of her to be." Amelile finished.

"What of suitors?"

"None, your Majesty. She has no contact with any those not servicing her or her bastard child. Any letters she sends are monitored and intercepted. French Court awaits your command."

"What do the people think of her?"

"She is secluded, so she doesn't add to the gossip of the Court. However, she has been shunned, the moment her child was claimed. Nobody has offered marriage, your Grace. No nobles, no servants. Nobody. Court sniggers behind her back as if she cannot hear. She's notorious in Scotland and in France. She's labelled his mistress, his harlot, his whore. She's ruined, your Imperial Majesty. Only you can change her fate, sell her off to the highest bidder as some sort of breeding mare. However, her price will have to be more than her fertility, seeing her lack of virtue and her scorned bastard." Amelile continued.

Mary nodded slowly, a sick sense of satisfaction running through her veins. It almost felt fulfilling to the point of pleasure. 

"You speak of her future marriage, should my nobility not call for her head. Her family, the Flemming's, do they know?" Mary asked. "About what a harlot their daughter made herself out to be?" Mary asked.

"I am not sure, your Majesty. However, I feel with the news of Jean Phillipe's existence plaguing France into thinking their King is a sentimental laughing stock, they will know soon enough. Especially since the King himself is in Scotland." she finished.

"I see."

"If they know of her alleged widowhood, nobody has offered financial aid to supply a dowry. It is only a matter of time before the Flemming's find out what their only living daughter has done. I fully suspect with the King's entrence into the land of their blood, if they do not, they will know soon enough." she finished.

"I see, is that all you can tell me of my former Lady?" Mary asked.

"It is, ma'am."

"Very good work, my friend. Send word to all the girls, have them inform what they have figured out over the last while. Meanwhile, send for your husband, reside in the grand Sandown Castle for a fortnight. It's a luxurious palace, fit for your accomplishment." Mary ordered. She enjoyed rewarding her ladies for their good work from time to time, the three most accomplished being married off to handsome, rich, powerful men. Whenever they pleased her, they lived in complete luxury with fine gifts. It was a system all involved enjoyed.

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