Chapter 9: The Next Day

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Liz quietly made her way in through Liam's door. "Liam?" She whispered. "Li?" She said louder. The house was completely dark so she assumed he was sleeping already. She made her way up to his bedroom and stuck her head in. "Liam?" She said loudly. Nothing. "Who you looking for?" Liam shouted behind her, making her scream. "Liam you bastard. Im not in the mood." She buried her face in his chest.

"Oh babe, what happened?" He wiped her tears and makeup.

"Ni-Niall asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Wow! Thats great! Im so happy! But why are you crying? It seems like you have for hours."

"Im not finished." She looked at the ground. "Then soon after, we both got drunk and were having the best time." She tried to speak through the tears.

"Then i went to get a drink, came back and noticed he was gone. So i went and looked for him. And found him and Alex having sex." She couldnt take it anymore. She let out all of her tears and buried her face in Liam's chest.

"Liz. i cant believe this. I cant believe Alex would stoop so low. There has got to be a logical explanation from Niall."

Thats the part that got her the most. Alex. It was Alex out of everyone at that party. If it was some random girl, yeah it would hurt her, but not as much. Liz would never. Even though she was framed. 

"Come on. Lets get you to bed."

Liams arms were wrapped around her the whole night. Trying to make her feel better. Liam and Liz's friendship was special. They could cuddle all night in bed and it wouldn't mean anything more. Liam just knew she needed someone there for her.

The next morning was a disaster. Her hair all a mess. Make up running down her face. She quickly grabbed all of her things and headed to the bathroom to clean herself up. Her house wasn't far from his, so it was a good 3 minute walk.

When she got home she ran up to her room so her mom wouldnt see her. Shit. Where is her phone? Did she leave it at Liams? Probably. Then she heard something vibrating non-stop. Yes! Her phone was in her purse.

There were like 100 text from Niall saying things like *Liz please. I have an explanation for all this.*

*We need to talk. i am so sorry, you have no idea.*

And so on....

*Meet me at Washington park at 3.* Is all she replied with. She still didnt believe him 100%. And was still mad at him.

She cleaned herself up and decided to go clear her head with some starbucks. Walking alone always cleared her mind. She had the whole time to think. The starbucks joint was a 10 minute walk. She needed it. It was about 2:00 when she got there.

"Can i have a grande caramel coffee please?"

"That will be 6 dollars please."

"Here ya go."

"Thank you, please wait down there for your coffee." The guy behind the counter smiled

Liz got her coffee and went to the park early. She would use the time to think. "Why would this happen? I think Alex knows I didnt do it and she wants Niall. Thats what i think happened. But why would she do that to me? i was nothing but nice to her. And then there's Niall. There is no way he wouldnt have know what he was doing. Why didnt he just wait until I got back from getting a drink to bang me? Why was it Alex? He knew about the whole thing with me and her. He was drunk yes, but im pretty sure he wasnt that drunk. I mean he wa-" She was deep in thought when she heard her name. Oh great Niall was here.

"Liz. just listen to me babe." He sat himself next to her on the bench. She refused to make eye contact with him. "Just look at me please." His voice was breaking. Tears were forming in his eyes. "It wasnt at all what it looked like. I dont remember anything after you got a drink from the kitchen. Which means Alex spiked my drink. I promise you it wasnt anything else. I would never hurt you." He sounded sincere. Liz finally looked up with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Are you sure." She whispered "Yes babe. Positive." She looked into her crystal clear blue eyes that were red from all of the tears. "Please dont hurt me like that ever again." He wrapped his arms around her waist, and hers aroudn his neck.

"Never" He pressed his lips to hers. She immediately kissed him back with passion. The moment going on forever.


They started walking around the park, linking arms, just talking about everything that has gone on.

"So Liz. Will you go on a formal date with me tonight? Since we never really got the chance to?"

"Of course."

"Great. Ill pick you up at 7."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Its a surprise."

"Oh come on! Do i have to like dress up fancy?"

"Yes. The most elegant thing you have."

"Alright." She said with a huge grin.

"Well i have some things to do so ill see you at seven!" He gave her a quick kiss. Hmmm what did he have planned?

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