XXVII. Jail Mates

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"I cannot beleive they put us in jail too!"

"Ugh! Atleast your place doesn't smell!"

"Will anyone come to bail us out?!"

"Um..yeah I think Mr.Franklin is on his way to bail us out."

I slumped against the cold jail metal bars, "Atleast I can crossoff the 'going to jail' off my bucket list."

Lukas looked at me wierdly. He was locked up in the adjacent jail room.

"Why would you have that on your bucketlist?"

Before I could reply, Nate cut in,

"She has the wierdest things on her bucket list dude. But enough about that! Megan! My love, I need youuuuu!"

Nate wailed and stretched his arms to reach the jail room in which Megan was locked in.

She rolled her eyes and tossed the carrot which the gaurds gave us to it at him.

"Shut up. Let me sleep!"

Sam and Ethan were already snoring in their own jail cots. Nate huffed retreated to a silent corner.

Wondering how we all ended up here?

Reverse 5 hours before.

"Hands up! This is the CIA!"

We all freezed and turned around to see uniformed officers filling the hall.

I smiled brightly at Lukas, "Yay! Mafia's will be thrown into jail now!"

I would still feel bad for the old lady though.

Lukas laughed nervously, "I have a feeling that they wont be the only one's to be thrown into jail."

I frowned and looked at the CIA agents coming towards us with hand cuffs.

They shook their head at us.

"You teenagers! Its bad to be in Mafia! I know you want that thrill and all but- You know what? A day or two in the jail lock will straighten you all up."

And before any of us could protest, the officer hand cuffed us and threw us in jail.

Present Time

"Why did not you kids say us that you were saving this baby at the mafia ball?"

A elder officer asked as they let us out of the stinking lock up.

I gave a stink eye to the officer who had hand cuffed us and then back to the elder officer,

"Some of your officials did not bother to hear us out and thought we were joining the mafia for the thrill of it."

I threw a nasty glare at the officer again who had accussed us. He coughed awkardly and looked away.

The elderly officer sighed, "We are so sorry kids. But I have to say this, it was very brave of you to infilterate the gang and save the baby."

Ethan yawned and stretched, "If you truely feel sorry, then please clean up the lock ups. It stinks."

The officer blushed, "Yes ofcourse we will clean up the place. You kids are free to go!"

They escorted us out were Mr.Franklin was waiting for us.

Lukas gestured at him, "You all get into the car and go to the resort-" He darkly eyed the police station, "-I have some work to finish."

He hugged me and placed a kiss on sleepy Aaron's forehead and then stalked to the police station before I could stop him.

I planned to go with him but Ethan stopped me. He shook his head,

"Its not a good after the Alpha, Kres. We should go to the resort."

I looked at him, "He went there for Antonio didnt he?"

Ethan darkly smiled, "Antonio deserves everything the Alpha will put him through."

"Kres! Ethan! What are you doing? Lets go! Or else we will leave without you! I am hungry!" Nate screamed from the car window.


Do you guys have bucket lists?

I dont have a bucket list. But I am planning to make one though.

Ofcourse with one which does not feature me going to jail.

Only Kres would do that. *Insert a laughing emoji here* BTW How to put a real laughing emoji in this book?!?!?!?

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