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Chapter:- 12 Dinner O LaLa.

I jumped away from Lukas and looked in the direction of the voice.

Ethan stood there, grinning at us with Megan standing beside him, staring at us with wide eyes.

"Did we interrupt something?"

Megan looked at me and then at Lukas, grinning widely.

I quickly got out of the pool, red in the face and Megan handed me a towel.

"I didn't know you both were doing that or else we wouldn't have come here." Megan winked at me.

"But we were just swimming, why wouldn't you want to come here while we were swimming? "

I asked her, feeling confused.

"Wait, so you don't know what he was going to do if we wouldn't have interrupted?"

I shook my head.

Wait! Was he gonna eat me because I threw the batter mix at him?

Why is it that when anything happens, you always assume that Lukas's gonna eat you!?

I don't know you inner voice, you would understand it if you were in my place. It's just that he looks at me in that way, in which he wants to eat me or something.

Megan shook her head and laughed lightly.

"I pity Lukas, Man! You didn't even know what he was going to do!"

Lukas let out a low curse behind me and got out of the pool as well.

He looked at me again and then glared in the direction of Ethan.

"Bro! Why are you covered with that sticky thing, what is that thing even?"

Ethan looked at the mix, which was now super wet and super sticky and super yucky to stare at.

Lukas growled at him.

Ethan coughed and then ran out of the room followed by a very pissed off looking Lukas.

What happened to him? Just now he was so playful.

Meh! Must be his time of the month.

Guys don't have their times of month Krestel.

Oh hey, inner voice! We talked about this many times! Guys do have their times of month.

Nate eating strawberry cheesecake once in a month though he doesn't like it, does not imply that he is on his time of month!

Then what does it imply to?!?

It implies that he again got rejected by a girl due to his awful pickup lines.

Oh you are right! Why didn't I think of it before!

"Hey Kres, common, you can change in my room. You are all soaked".

I looked down at myself and sure enough, I was all soaked up and shivering, due to cold.

"Yeah! Lets go." I nodded frantically.

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