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Chapter 6: Your Wife? No thanks.

Wife? What wife?

More importantly, whose wife?

"Hey! Leave me! I am no one's wife!" I wiggled in the strangers arms to loosen his grip on me.

I felt similar sparks run through my body making me shiver involuntarily.

I had felt this sparks somewhere, but where?

He just pulled me more closer, resulting my back to be pressed against his hard chest.

Who the fudge does he think he is?

Just let me turn around, you block of rock, and I will show you what I have got!

"Did you forget darling? You are my wife and the mother of our little son here. Don't tell me, are you cheating on me? I am hurt sweetheart," His grip loosened on me.

I took advantage of his loosened grip and abruptly turned around, still in his arms.

"What are you talking about?! I would never cheat on anybody and FYI, I am not your bloody wif-" I was cut off when I saw with whom I had came face to face with, or rather face to chest with.

He is so tall.

Dude, what did your mother feed you in your childhood?

I craned my neck up to look at his face.

It's the same brown eyed boy!

"Stop teasing her Lukas," Megan came from behind him and smiled at me.

This Lukas guy ignored her, and just stared at me.

Sam and Ethan just stood by the lockers watching us amusedly.

I think the only thing missing for them is a bucket of popcorn.

Wait a second, did she just say Lukas? As in my partner?!



I realised that I was still in his arms and tried to get away from him.

"Hey, Leave me!" I struggled in his arms, putting my one hand on his chest and tried push him, while the other was still holding the baby.

But did I succeed? You have two options,

1) no

and guess what?

2) A BIG NO!

I swear he is made up of metal or something!

"Now, now, why would I do that, when I have just got you?" He pulled me even closer.

I glared at him, "I said leave me!"

I think the baby in my arms got bored of our banter and decided to help me.

He cried loudly and began kicking his feet in random directions.

Lukas reluctantly had to let go of me.

He sighed.

"Seriously son? You had to interrupt my time with your mom and my wife?"

I pulled away from him as soon as he let go and jumped at a good 3 feet distance away from him.

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