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Chapter 5: Becoming A Mommy.

I didn't say anything that had happened in the forest to my parents.

I mean what would I say?

Hey mom and dad, I went to take a walk around the town and ended up getting lost in the forest.

And guess what?

A big black wolf with very much human like brain and expression, helped me come home.

And I even made him my friend animal.

Yeah... NO.

Mom would go ballistic and don't even get me started on dad...

As for Nate, he might wonder why I was not that wolf's dinner.

I entered my house, tip toeing towards my room.

I glanced left and right to see any sign of danger aka my parents and when there was none, I got inside my room and shut the door sighing in relief when no one noticed me.

No one noticed I came home, so no questions asked.

I turned back facing my room, and shreiked. "Nate! You scared me. What the fudge are you doing here?"

Nate was sitting on my desk chair, eating chocochip icecream from the tub.

He licked the spoon clean and kept the icecream tub on my table, looking at me suspiciosly, and I instantly knew that his detective mode is on.

"Where were you?" He asked while narrowing his eyes.

I laughed nervously.

"I-I went out for a walk. Why are you asking?"

"First of all you sneaked into the house like a spy, second of all you look nervous, and third of all, you do all of the above when you are preventing yourself getting caught by either mom or dad," Nate spoke, rubbing his chin while circling me.

I tensed.

"Kres! Nate! come down for dinner!" Mom's voice reached us and I sighed in relief, dashing downstairs from were the delicious smell came from.

Thanks mom! You saved me from your detective of a son.

"Hey! I am not done interrogating you yet. Come back here!" Nate hollered.

Sorry bro! I am not much keen on you trying your detective skills on me.

We reached down stairs, and thankfully Nate seemed to forget everthing about my spy moves after smelling dad's amazing dish.

I sat on the dining table chair and looked at the dish from which the heavenly smell was coming.

We digged in while me and Nate told mom and dad about our day.

"I am going to become a mom tomorrow."

Dad spurted out the water he was drinking, spraying it all over the table.

Nate's mouth gaped open as he dropped the spoon which made a clanking voice as it hit the plate.

Mom just stared at me wide eyed.

Did I say something wrong?

"Krestel Awesome Winters, I told you to get a boyfriend, not get pregnant!" Mom looked horrified.

"Who is the boy? Who is the boy who did that? WHO?!" Dad got up from his chair and looked around him, his hands in karate stance.


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