Hell's Kitchen (Sanji x Reader)

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Modern AU. Inspired by the tv show of the same name, as well as my love for Gordon Ramsay (or "Graham", as he's called here).

Ever since you'd been a child, you'd had an affinity for delicious food, restaurants and the culinary arts in general. You couldn't pinpoint when exactly your fascination and passion for cooking had started, but you could remember helping out your grandmother in the kitchen and being desperate for her to tell you about all of her secret recipes when you were younger.

Now, you had actually managed to turn your passion into your profession. But even though you liked your job as a sous-chef at a well-renowned restaurant in your hometown, you still had bigger aspirations. So, after a lot of encouraging from your family and friends – your grandma in particular, who was still your most vocal and avid supporter – you'd taken a risk and had applied for a spot on "Kitchen Purgatory", one of the biggest cooking competitions broadcasted on television.

You'd sent in your résumé as well as a small video of what the prize of the competition – a head chef position at a huge restaurant in Las Vegas and a cash prize of 100,000 dollars – would mean to you, and then, you had waited.

Even though you'd known how unlikely it was to actually get selected for the show, you hadn't been able to stop the intense feelings of anticipation and excitement when a small letter with the famous logo of the show – the initials "KP" – on it had arrived. Those feelings had quickly turned into pure joy and ecstasy when you'd opened the letter and found out you had actually been accepted.

Finally, you had been one step closer to the biggest chance of your life.

Now, after weeks of awaiting the date and intense preparations, you were finally here, at the set of "KP". Since it was a reality competition, all of the contestants slept in the same dorms – with male and female contestants separated, naturally.

You shared a room with two other female contestants named Nami and Robin, who you'd both gotten acquainted with already and who were both nice enough.

Every other day, a challenge was held, in which all contestants would participate in individually, tasked with assignments such as cooking a specific dish to perfection. On the day following the challenges, dinner service would take place.
The huge filming area also contained a massive kitchen and a fully functioning restaurant, and it was the task of all contestants to complete the dinner services while being closely monitored by the two judges of the competition.

If someone would do badly on either the challenge or fail at dinner service, they'd be eliminated from the competition. Thus, every week someone was going home, and the competition was intensifying.

It had been two weeks since you'd arrived, meaning two fellow contestants had already had to pack up their stuff and go back home. Last week, a male chef had been eliminated for sneaking into the kitchen at night and eating up all the supplies, falling asleep with a face full of food afterwards – you still couldn't believe that had actually happened.

So far, you'd done fairly well, earning some compliments from the judges. You had yet to win a challenge or stand out at dinner service, though, something which annoyed you greatly.

Especially because the person who had won all challenges thus far was the only fellow contestant in the entire cast you just could. not. stand.

His name was Sanji, and while he was excelling at the competition, he was also one of most shameless flirts you'd ever come across. Since the day all of the contestants had arrived, he'd proceeded to hit on and/or swoon over basically every woman catching his eye. Not even the female members of the camera team were safe from his ministrations.

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