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Tears welled up in Jane's eyes as her hand instinctively went up to cover her swollen cheek. She kept her head down, afraid to look at her mother or at the strangers who were staring at them curiously.

"I asked you to get lasagnas, not whore yourself in public with boys," Jane's mother snapped, attracting even more attention with her loud voice.

"Don't you dare speak to my girl like that," protested Samuel, coming to stand in front of his girlfriend protectively.

Mrs. Miller was taken aback by what she'd just heard. Letting out a mocking laugh, she asked, "What did you just call my daughter? Your girl?"

Samuel scowled at the woman who's been belittling his Jane for too long. He didn't feel intimidated by her in anyway. Instead he felt angry; angry for what that woman did to Jane.

Mrs. Miller scrutinized the boy, sensing that he was quite familiar. The images didn't take long to form in her mind and she recognized him as the same guy who had supposedly wished Jane good luck. She gritted her teeth as she put two and two together.

"You!" she pointed her index finger accusingly at Samuel. "I know you, you little brat. You are the same boy who 'wished' Jane good luck the other day, huh?" She air-quoted the word wished. "What is it this time? Were you wishing her good luck in finding lasagnas?"

Samuel was finding it hard to keep his anger at bay. He could not imagine how Jane had been able to live with a woman like that under the same roof.

Connor moved forward and reached out towards his sister. Before he could take her hand, Samuel growled, "Stay away from her!" He then laced his fingers through Jane's and pulled her to him.

Connor gulped and backed away. He surely didn't wish to get on the guy's bad side. He was quite built, compared to him. There was no doubt that his sister's boyfriend could take him down if he wanted to.

"You are making this harder for yourself boy," Jane's father spoke for the first time since all that commotion started. "Move!"

"Make me," Samuel defied, a hard look on his face.

He was ready to take the man down; he knew he could. He was shaking with anger, and Jane clearly noticed that from the tight grip he had on her hand. She swallowed back a sob and gently rubbed onto Samuel's arm, instantly gaining his attention. His eyes had turned a shade darker and she gasped at how furious he looked.

"Please," she said in a low, brittle voice, for Samuel's ears only. "I don't want you to get in trouble. There's people watching and they can call the security on you. Please, just... just let me go. I'll be fine I promise."

Jane could barely keep her voice steady. She could clearly see that Samuel didn't believe her. Tears started welling up in his eyes too as he turned completely towards his girlfriend. Ignoring all the stares, he cupped Jane's cheek with his warm hands.

"I can fix this Jane. You don't have to stay with these people anymore. Just say the word and I'll take you with me," he whispered. "I'll love you and take care of you and make you happy. I promise I will, with all my heart."

Jane bit her tongue to prevent a sob from coming out. She covered Samuel's hands on her face, relishing in the feel of his touch for one last time.

If she could, she would have shouted a big yes. She sincerely would. But it was impossible. And she knew that as soon as she'd walk away, she would never see him again. She won't be allowed to.

She pulled her boyfriend's hands away from her face and discreetly kissed both of them before letting them fall to his sides.

"I can't," she whimpered. "I can't. I'm sorry."

She felt her heart break into pieces as she saw the devasted look in his eyes. She sucked in her lips and looked away before she could break down right in front of him.

Like an automaton, she walked towards her mother who gripped her arm and dragged her away. She didn't even dare to look back, no matter how much her heart was screaming at her to catch one last glimpse of her first and last boyfriend.

Mrs. Miller's grip was so hard on Jane's arm that the latter started wincing in pain, trying to pry the hand away. "Mom please let me go. You're hurting me," she pleaded.

Jane received a menacing glare from her mother. "You deserved it, you bitch!" she bellowed.

Jane stumbled in her steps as she tried to keep pace with her mother, who was pulling her out of PickNPay like she was dragging a ragged doll.

"You disgust me so much Jane!" she scolded, not hiding her disapproving glare. "You have humiliated all of us in there! We are regular customers here you know? And now how do you expect your father and I to show our face back in here after what you did, you shameless whore!"

Jane couldn't hold back anymore. She let the tears fall out, sobbing her heart out in front of PickNPay's entrance. That didn't stop her mother from scolding her even more with hurtful and degrading words.

"You are a disgrace to this family!" Mrs. Miller said and shoved Jane backward.

Jane gasped as she tried to keep her balance. She unconsciously shifted her body weight onto her right leg, forgetting that she'd injured her thigh and needed to go gentle with it. It was too late when she realised that and shrieked when she felt that all too familiar pain making its appearance.

She was unable to keep standing and started falling backward again.

"Jane watch out!" Connor screamed as he attempted to grab his sister's hand.

It all happened too fast. The loud screeching of car tyres was heard before the car hit Jane, sending her flying a few feet away. A loud crack was heard as Jane's body collided on the hard ground.

She felt herself being absorbed by a burning pain before darkness took over and swallowed her whole.

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Stay beyoutiful,

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