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It was an early Sunday morning when Jane received a message notification. She was not yet fully awake and lazily reached onto her nightstand to check her phone.

Her heart picked up speed when she saw that it was from Samuel. She smiled as she read through the message.

Hey beautiful😘 Are you awake?

Hi! Yea, I just woke up.

After much persuasion from Kailey, Jane agreed to give her and Samuel a chance. She nearly turned deaf that day when she told Kailey — who had squealed like a banshee — about the kiss. Besides she was finding it hard to stay away from him. Especially when she couldn't stop thinking and wanting more of his kisses. It's been nearly a week since they were together. She'd never imagined that a guy could make her feel loved and so good about herself.

Another message came in,

What are you up to today?

Nothing much!
I'm going with my family for some grocery shopping later.

Oh cool! PickNPay isn't?

Yea that's where we always go.

We can meet up there.
Just let me know when you're leaving home and I'll be there.

Jane bit her lips nervously. She didn't think that it was going to be a good idea, especially since her parents would be present as well.

She had been able to keep her relationship a secret and couldn't imagine what would happen to her if ever her mother came to know about it. For sure, death would be waiting for her. She'd never gone on a date with Samuel. The latter didn't mind at all. He understood perfectly when Jane explained to him the situation, and assured her that not going on a date like every couple would never affect their relationship. But nevertheless, it made Jane feel bad that she couldn't provide him something as essential as that. They'd hang out together at school as much as they can and kept text messages to a minimum. Unless for circumstances like this one.

I don't know...☹️I mean, what if we get caught?

She typed and tapped on the SEND button.

We won't. Trust me baby.
And even if we do, I'll make sure to take full responsibility of it😌

Jane gasped.

You can't do that.
I can't let that happen😟

Don't worry my sugarplum.
Everything will be fine😘😘😘

Jane pursed her lips before typing back.

Okay... see you later then🙈

Later sugarplum❤️

Jane sighed and put her phone back onto the nightstand. She felt excited at the idea of seeing Samuel. She crossed her fingers and prayed for everything to go as planned and that there won't be any unpleasant surprise.

She got out of bed and went about doing her usual morning routine. After she was done taking a bath, she rummaged through her closet in search of a lovely dress. At school, she was usually in her jeans and tshirts. For once, she wanted to look beautiful for her boyfriend.

"Hey sis!" Connor called from the other side of the door.


"Are you ready? We are leaving in fifteen minutes," he informed.

"Yes I'm coming downstairs in a minute," Jane replied as she finished tying her hair in a high ponytail. She smiled at the lovely reflection in the mirror. She was starting to see herself in a different, more positive, light and it was all thanks to Samuel.

Before she left her room, she went over to her phone and typed a quick message to Samuel, informing him that she would be leaving home in a moment. She then made sure to delete the whole conversation from her phone. She couldn't risk anything. She felt kinda bad for lying to her parents like this and doing something like that behind their backs.

Sometimes she wished that she'd had parents like Kailey, who were so kind and sweet and understanding. Hers were the complete opposite.

As Jane descended the stairs, her mother shouted, "Hurry up Jane! We don't have all the day."

They all got into the car and they were off towards PickNPay. Jane grew nervous as they neared their destination, but she tried her best not to show it. She didn't know if Samuel was there already or not and she no way to find out. She hadn't brought her phone with her because, apparently, her mother was allergic to seeing her with that device.

Mr. Miller pulled up into a vacant parking spot in PickNPay's half-filled parking lot. As she got out of the car, Jane made a quick scan of the cars in the parking lot. She couldn't find Samuel's sports car anywhere and guessed that maybe he wasn't there yet.

She followed her parents into PickNPay. She sighed when she took note of the number of people inside, doing their grocery shopping. It was certainly going to be hard to spot Samuel in here.

For fifteen minutes straight, they went about the rows of shelves. Jane's mother was being very bossy and persistent on the brand of product to put in the cart. At some point, Jane started feeling irritated as all the orders were being thrown at her.

"Go get the lasagnas, Jane," Mrs. Miller instructed. "And make sure to take the Panzani one, am I clear?"

Jane nodded and walked in the other direction, heading to the section where the lasagnas were. She quickly spotted the Panzani one and stood on the tip of her toes to retrieve them from the tall shelf.

Before she could grab the package, a hand reached out and took it away. The same hand then spun her around and she came face to face with Samuel.

Jane grinned and threw her arms around her boyfriend's neck. "You came," she said with a happy voice.

Samuel hugged her tightly and burried his face into her neck, breathing in her soothing scent. "I'll never miss a chance to be with you, sugarplum," he murmured and planted a kiss on Jane's neck.

The latter shivered and pulled away. She took the lasagnas from his hands and smiled at him.

"You look beautiful in that dress," he commented, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ears. "Just like a princess. My princess." He bent down and pecked Jane's lips.

He pulled away too quickly for Jane's liking. She tried to hide her disappointment but Samuel saw it and smirked mischievously.

"Want more?" he teased. Jane blushed profusely and looked away.

Samuel grabbed her chin with his fingers and made her look at him. "Don't be shy around me. I'm yours. You can kiss me whenever you want," he said, resting his forehead against Jane's.

Jane bit her lip and looked up into those beautiful pair of eyes she loved so much. Calming her nerves, she took a deep breath and leaned forward to kiss Samuel.

But their happy moment was ruined too quickly, when Jane was roughly pulled aside. Before she could comprehend what was happening, a hard slap landed on her cheek.

"You shameless whore," sneered Mrs. Miller, giving her daughter a disgusted look.

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Stay beyoutiful,

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