Turning point

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Um...hi. I've been gone for a while, but... Wow. So apparently I've reached over 600 reads while inactive. That's impressive...*tries not to freak out* So then it's time for apologies once more for it seems I simply cannot keep up with my monthly schedule. Which already seems like a long time, doesn't it? Well let me tell you, thanks to everything I've got to do for school nowadays it isn't. For when I'm stressed out I'm not creative and creativity can't be forced. At least not with me, which means my projects suffer the consequences. Also this was truly quite a challenge for firstly, I made mistakes in the chapter that was supposed to be uploaded instead of this and had to delete parts and secondly the time span in between the last chapter and the one supposed to be uploaded instead of this was just too big, thus this is a frankenstein version of my first chapter sequence because of the background plot I realized was missing halfway in. Meaning I had to shred the original version of how I planned this story to continue to pieces, squeeze the missing plot in between and sew it all together in the end. Quite an effort indeed. Even more apologies for sounding whiny. That's why I'll try to start prewriting chapters so that if something like this occurs again, it won't be an annoyance for you readers. We'll see how sucessful I'll be. Anyway, if this is published it means I've broken my record of  how far I've come with a story (more than 9 chapters isn't really that impressive, I know) so I'll take that as a good sign for this story. And by now you're probably already tired of this noob of an author rambling on and on- so here's the chapter!

Ran had been right. Sonoko was an utter mess. Her best friend awaited her at the gates to teitan high school with red puffy eyes and trembling lips. As soon as she was in the range of Sonoko's arms she was pulled into a bone breaking hug. Ran had expected her to start wailing and lamenting loudly about the tragic fate of her beloved KID, but Sonoko just clung to her best friend in silence. That was a highly concerning sign when it came to Sonoko Suzuki, no kind of shock or traumatic experience had ever managed to shut the rich heiress up before. "Hey..." "Hey.", her friend shakily replied and gave Ran a weary smile. "This...hit you harder than expected, hm?", Ran ventured carefully, not sure what her friend wanted or needed to hear right now. "Yeah... It's just... People talk. I know, that's what they always do but... Everywhere you go there are conspiracy theories and assumptions about his death swarming the air.", Sonoko took a deep breath so that the tears that had collected in her eyes didn't spill. "That's not what you want to hear about someone who should be an untouchable phantom." "I guess he did earn himself the reputation of a supernatural immortal being with all of his mysterious magic tricks and behaviour.", Ran mused solemnly and rubbed her friends back to comfort her. Sonoko sniffed and buried her head in Ran's shoulder. "How do you do it? How do you cope, being personally confronted and affected by death almost every single day, with people always dying around you and your family?" Ran almost flinched at the question, it hit too close to home and made her very uncomfortable. Luckily with her best friend's face on her shoulder she couldn't see how Ran grimaced. "I... don't know.", she needed a moment to realize what her own words implied. "I guess that's exactly it, I forget. I supress the incident and anything related to it.", she mumbled, almost guiltily for some reason. Suddenly the embrace that the girls held themselves in wasn't only for Sonoko's comfort as Ran tightened her hold on her. Sonoko kept quiet at the confession, allowing her friend to stomach her realization. Maybe she just wasn't in the mood to confront her about it. A rare enough occurrence that Ran was thankful for it despite the grim cause. The girls continued to embrace in silence until they could hear the sound of a bell coming from the speakers around the school, warning its students that the first lesson was about to start in five minutes. "Come on, we'll be late.", Ran shifted her arm so that it lay around Sonoko's shoulders and guided her friend indoors. The school day continued almost normally, if one ignored the whispers and the gloomy mood that had settled everywhere it seemed.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Not a normal KIDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें