Not Kidding

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Kaito blinked, his vision was blurry, there were police sirens in the distance. And they were getting closer. Ugh, he felt like throwing up any moment and was completely woozy in the head. His gaze swivelled to the side. Oh... Not good. Not good at all. He didn't know why everything was so gigantic all of a sudden, but he knew that being found next to his KID clothes with obviously fitting injuries wouldn't be good. No. Not good at all. Wait... Was he repeating himself? That poison was really messing with his head. God, he was tired. But he wasn't dead. Yet. Was the poison some kind of torture instrument, killing you slowly or something? If that was the case, he needed to get help. Even if it seemed so easy to just lay back down and sleep himself to death. But he couldn't do that to Jii... Jii- where was his loyal helper? And... Where was he himself to begin with? He didn't recognize the area, but then again, he wasn't exactly able to think clearly at the moment. Stay on track, he chided himself. Getting help and away from his costume was his first priority. Kaito started moving his muscles and whimpered in pain. His body definitely didn't want to move. Everything, everything hurt, burned, pulsed in pain, by the time he was standing his eyes had watered so much they'd spilled and he now had fine rivulets of tears running down his cheeks. That was so not helping his emotional stability. Bracing his arms against the wall of the alley he dragged himself forward, further and further away from the remains of his costume. His stomach must be dancing around inside him, he thought. The nausea was nearly unbearable. He'd have to... Kaito turned around another corner and threw up. He stood there coughing for a moment after his stomach had emptied itself onto the concrete. If he knelt over now, he wouldn't get up again. He had to keep walking... Carefully stepping around his previously digested lunch, the hurting boy kept moving.

Sometime earlier a young man in black clothes with a rifle over his shoulder stepped onto a roof to meet his superior. "How did it go Boss? Did we get him?" He was answered by a dark chuckle and a whispered 'yes', that sounded very similar to the hissing of a snake. "So he crashed?" "Yessss. Went down somewhere in Beika." The younger man nodded. It was probably better if he stopped talking at this point so the Boss wouldn't get annoyed. He was definitely safer to be around when he was in a good mood.

At the same time the KID task force was able to set foot on the roof of tonight's heist location for the first time. Ginzo Nakamori released a very shallow breath when he first inspected his surroundings. Everything had bullet holes in it. Ground, walls, door. As if it had rained bullets. "Oh god...", he heard Hakuba whisper behind him. He turned and saw the teen walking over to the edge of the roof where KID jumped. The gem the thief had thrown at him still clutched tightly in the blonde's hand. The boy shouldn't have been here. Who had even told him- it didn't matter now, he decided as the teenage boy started shaking slightly. He walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "He got away. I'm sure of it." No, he wasn't. He felt helpless. And he dreaded the months to come where he would lose hope more and more as long as no heist note arrived. At the same time, he knew he wouldn't be able to give up hope completely. Last time the phantom thief had reappeared after eight years. But Nakamori wouldn't stay young and fit forever, he was already struggling at his momentary age. So maybe he wouldn't be able to go after the thief if he reappeared after so many years, but at least Hakuba would. A guy from forensics ran up to them. "I was sent to secure the jewel.", he panted and held his hand out to the blond teenager expectantly. Turning around, the Inspector's hand falling of his shoulder, Hakuba looked down at his shaking hand that had a vice grip on the stone as if it would never give it away. He slowly moved it to hover over the older man's hand. A heartbeat passed where the boy stared at the gem as if he needed to remember it for the rest of his life. Then he slowly peeled finger after finger away until the forensic held the stone all on his own. "Thanks.", was the man's softly spoken compassionate reply. "A colleague of mine may come up to you later and take KID's blood on your cheek as a sample, in the hopes of it being enough to identify that lunatic.", he added already walking away. Hakuba's hand flew up to touch his cheek immediately. Ginzo watched the boy as he slowly lowered it to stare at his trembling fingers which held traces of KID's not yet dried blood. Man, he was traumatized. Shit, how was he going to explain that to the boy's father, his superior? With a lot of self-restraint Ginzo kept himself from swearing loud and long as he usually would've done. But not with a disturbed kid around. And just that was the young Hakuba in his eyes, just a kid. A kid shouldn't have been here, shouldn't have seen this. But he'd ask the boy about how he knew about the heist later. He had enough tact to know that now wasn't the time. The subject of his thoughts seemed to have come to a decision from staring at its blood covered fingers as it suddenly whipped out its handkerchief, wiped the blood off its cheek and fingers thoroughly and set it on fire before letting it fall from the roof the same way KID had. Nakamori stared in shock. Had the boy who'd almost been as obsessed with catching KID as he himself just openly eliminated evidence that could've helped to identify the worldwide wanted thief? The Hakuba boy turned and looked him straight in the eye and those brown eyes of his clearly said 'yes, I did. And I know and accept all consequences. Do what you have to do'. Now for the record, Ginzo Nakamori wasn't shocked very often. After all he'd spend most of his life chasing an infamous phantom thief. But this pretty much open confession of the law obsessed blonde considering him hindering investigations on purpose was really quite something. With a deep sigh the aging Inspector put a hand on the teenage detective's shoulder and led him down the stairs, through the front door of the robbed museum and to the police cars parked in front. He removed his hand and took a step back to take another good look at his daughter's unusual classmate. The boy straightened and squared his shoulders before giving the Inspector one last meaningful look. Then he sat down in the back of the police vehicle without resistance. Ginzo looked after the car as it drove off. By now he was sure that he'd remember this night for the rest of his life.

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