Missing you

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Aoko awoke to the familiar ringing of her alarm clock. A little confused and feeling as if she was missing something she sat up and looked around. Realizing she had slept on the couch the memories of yesterday came back and with them the horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. Her worry for her father and classmate and even the tiniest bit for KID came crashing down upon her again and tears pooled in her eyes. She took a deep breath, glancing at the clock there was no time for crying, she needed to prepare for school. As she tried to stand up, she noticed the blanket around her and the piece of paper next to her alarm clock. So, her father had come home after all. She quickly reached for her father's note.


I'm home. I'm fine. Just tired so let me sleep, please. Go to school and don't worry. Everything's alright, we'll talk later. Take care.

Love, Dad.

Aoko sighed. Her father had meant well and at least she knew that he was home and alright, but this didn't answer any of her questions even in the slightest. Another sigh. The girl stood up and crept up to her father's room, putting her ear to the door just to hear his snoring. She'd needed that to reassure herself. A little calmer she left to wash, comb her unruly hair and put on her school uniform. While she made herself breakfast and prepared her school lunch for the day, she turned on the TV. "...KID heist gone wrong. The police confirmed that shots were fired at KID and that he fled the scene injured, willingly leaving the stolen gem behind. They stated that the injuries could be possibly life threatening." Aoko stilled in her movements. "The police force remained unharmed in the attack, though teenage detective Saguru Hakuba was escorted away even before the search for the phantom thief, who lost control over his hang glider during his escape and presumably crashed in Beika, even started. As reason for the exclusion of the famous teenage detective the police mentioned trying to prevent the permanent traumatization of a minor." The inspector's daughter gulped but focused on her task at hand. "The police continued their search for the globally wanted jewel thief until four in the morning when Inspector Nakamori ordered for it to be stopped. It remained completely unsuccessful, neither KID nor anything hinting at his supposed crash that many stated to have witnessed from afar could be found in Beika and the surrounding areas. It appears that only time will tell if the famous thief lost his life in last night's attack.
Now to the weather..." Aoko tuned out the rest of the news as she robotically resumed making food, the news report about last night's events repeating over and over inside her head.

Somehow, she managed to get to school on time and only looked up from the ground that she'd been staring at in deep thought when all chatter of the other students abruptly stopped once she stepped through the door. Confused she looked around to find that everyone was staring at her. What was the matter, did she have something on her face? Insecure and under the eyes of what must've been at least half of the whole student community she changed her shoes and fled to her homeroom. But once she stepped inside and everyone was able to lay their eyes on her the exact same thing happened. The silence was deafening, only after some time did her classmates start whispering, obviously not wanting her to hear whatever they were talking about. Aoko bit her lip and fled to her seat, if it wouldn't have looked completely undignified she would've hid under the table. Only after she'd sat there for a minute and wished for a protective shield to keep all of their looks and harsh whispers away from her did she notice that that shield would've been there normally but was missing. Or rather those who were supposed to be her shield were missing. Her friends were missing. Especially one friend. Kaito. Aoko thought back to when she'd seen him the last time, it had been yesterday, right after school. She'd asked him if he wanted to spend the rest of the day with her. He'd told her he was busy and that he also wouldn't be joining her for dinner. She'd been disappointed, he'd just told her 'another day' and walked off. He'd not joined her on her way to school, he'd not already been at school and he wasn't there now that the lesson was about to start any minute if only the teacher appeared. Had he been so shocked by what had happened to KID last night that he'd decided to stay home? Now of all days? Of course, she could understand if it was really because of KID... But he would've told all of them to stop staring this instant, wouldn't he? He could be quite the idiot rather often... Would he have cared? Would he defend her if he was here or...Would he just mock her?

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