Little Kids

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1 month, 2 weeks & 5 days later, the last day of school before the holidays

"Hello. I'm Kai Ishikawa. Nice to meet you."
The voice of the weirdly dressed little boy standing in front of the class mirrored the vibes he was giving off, it was calm and polite but distanced and sad. "Alright Kai, why don't you take the seat right here in the first row for now? Don't worry, you'll get another if you don't like it, we'll have a different seating arrangement after the holidays anyway.", the teacher spoke up. Kai simply nodded and trudged over to his seat, gently put down his ancient looking bag and slid into his chair where he proceeded to sit stock still like an emotionless statue. Unbeknownst to the rest of the room Ayumi decided at that moment that she'd try to be Kai's friend. It seemed like he could need one. Sadly, he always disappeared when they had a break, probably going to the toilet. Even though staying there the whole break seemed admittedly a little weird. Maybe he was just so shy that he hid there so that no one would come and talk to him? Well that wouldn't stop her. She'd try and catch him as soon as school ended. Maybe he would accompany the detective boys this afternoon? Not that he'd get a choice in the matter. Ayumi smiled at Kai's back, sitting in the very front of the class, not noticing that it caused him to shiver.

Finally, the sound of the bell announcing the end of school at Teitan elementary rang from the speakers. With a sigh that went unheard, Conan dragged himself off of his chair to stand and start packing his bag as slowly as possible. He really didn't want those holidays to begin. It would be hell on earth, he knew that for sure. The detective boys were already pretty much bouncing around the room, wishing all of their classmates and teacher great holidays, completly oblivious to their friend's bad mood. "You're dragging this out on purpose!", a female voice scolded behind him. The boy turned and was surprised to find Ai Haibara, bag packed and on her back, arms crossed and tapping her foot in annoyance. "Why are you hurrying all of a sudden? Normally you're just as slow as me. Is your brain morphing into that of a kid too now, making you impatient?" Haibara glared at him as if she was about to slap or punch, if not outright murder him for his cheeky complaint. One could never be sure with her. He was just about to kind-of apologize to her to escape her wrath when her face lit up again all on its own. Now that was scary. "You know what? Maybe it is. I can't stay mad at you today.", she said, smiling openly. Conan had never changed his opinion that fast- this wasn't scary, it was creepy! "Stop staring at me as if you're looking at a ghost! Pack your bag so we can get out of here!", she was still smiling. As he didn't move, she huffed and just shoved him aside, having his bag packed in a matter of seconds and holding it out to him. "There! Don't thank me, that would take too long. Gather the kids and tell them that it's time to go!", Haibara ordered, with a smile that was still shining like the sun itself. And it was directed at him. Bloody hell, she must've gone insane, he thought. This could no longer be called creepy- it was terrifying! He looked around for the detective boys. The faster they got out of there and away from this bloody terrifying, insane version of Haibara, the better.

"Hey Kai!" The boy flinched at the loud, enthusiastic voice next to his desk and turned around slowly to find the girl that had been staring at him for almost the entire time he'd sat in class. Not that he'd turned around and caught her doing it. He'd just simply felt her eyes on his back, staring holes into it. The whole bloody school day long. One of the most unpleasent feelings he'd ever experienced, he thought. His nose curled just the slightest bit. What would she want from him? She'd been stalking him all day, was she a bully or something? Was he supposed to answer her? What was he supposed to answer her? "Um...hey." Wow, that sounded intelligent for sure, he berated himself. The girl seemed completly unfazed, still beaming at him with a broad smile. Had her face gotten stuck or something? Was there something on his own face or why was she staring at him?
"Are you...alright?", he asked carefully, the girl was freaking him out a little. "Oh, sorry! I got lost in thought, i apologize. I'm Ayumi!", she introduced herself. "Kai. But of course, you know that already.
... Do you mind me asking what you were thinking about?" The girl continued being way too giddy for his liking. "No no, of course not! I was just thinking that you look a lot like my friend Conan!", she gestured to a boy that was talking to another girl at the back of the classroom. He seemed very weirded out by her, she seemed slightly annoyed and overall impatient with him. Ayumi sighed. "He's very cute." One eyebrow raised he looked back at her and found her eyes glued to Conan with a dreamy look in them. Well, it didn't seem like she'd said that intentionally. She'd probably just thought out loud. Another sigh. My, that must be one hell of a crush Ayumi had on Conan. If he was unlucky the reason why she was stalking him was that she wanted to have him as her boyfriend. Even though they were just grade schoolers. The scenario that had come to his mind was the following: Ayumi had a huge crush on Conan, which was obvious and not debatable. But from there on one could make the assumption that Conan didn't have a crush on Ayumi, but the girl that had currently started packing his bag for him as if they were a couple. Maybe she was just that, Conan's girlfriend. And because Ayumi couldn't have Conan she just went along and started stalking his lookalike to make him her boyfriend and replace Conan. Okay, maybe he was being paranoid and going over board with his vivid imagination. Still, Ayumi didn't seem like an easy type of girl, way too precocious. Heh well, he'd been told that he was too, but he'd still rather hope that Ayumi wouldn't want to be his friend. She would be nothing short of exhausting. Sadly he was disappointed in that regard.
"You know what, Kai? I'm your new friend now!",she exclaimed all of a sudden.
Kai repressed a sigh. Lovely. Just lovely. Ayumi chattered on:"Since we're friends now you need to know one important thing about me! I'm part of a detective group, called the 'detective boys', and we solve real cases with the police!" Okay, so Ayumi wasn't only precocious but a total freak, go figure. Personally, Kai was just wishing that she would leave him alone, all of the unnecessary information he was getting through her was confusing and overwhelming him.
Ever since he'd started interacting with Ayumi he was getting that weird feeling again where he thought he could feel his own brain pulsing in his skull, but normally you weren't supposed to feel your brain like that, right? He was pretty sure about that.
This was getting too much, too fast. And he had a feeling it wasn't about to get easier any time soon. "Hey Ayumi, who are you talking to?" "Yeah, why didn't you introduce us?" Keeping himself from looking exasperated, Kai looked up to find two boys standing on either side of Ayumi, one was thin, pale and pretty big for his age with freckles dusted over his cheeks, the other had a darker skin tone and was so fat he resembled a gigantic ball with limbs rather than a boy. He was even bigger than his companion and both of them looked at him as if they wanted to punch his lights out for simply talking to Ayumi. Well, looked like there was even more unanswered crushing on people going on around here. Wasn't this supposed to be a bloody elementary school? They were bloody kids! Ayumi got his attention by clearing her throat:"Kai, these are my friends, Mitsuhiko,",she gestured to freckle-face," and Genta.", she inclined her head to point at meatball. "They're also members of the detective boys!" Back was her beaming smile. Kai wanted to be teleported out of this room right now. He was getting a really bad feeling about this. "How many members of the detective boys are there?", he asked carefully, better be safe than sorry. "Five! There's me, Genta, Mitsuhiko, Conan and Ai, that's the girl who's with Conan." The boys nodded enthusiastically.
"Uh-huh." Wow, this was quality material for a romantic drama. A group of friends all in love with each other, but none loving the other back. Love triangles included. That kind of trash that was on TV in the afternoon programm. "Are you going to come with us this afternoon? We're your friends so it's necessary that you spent time with us!" Hm, maybe his guess that she was a bully wasn't so wrong after all, just a lot more passive in the way she did it than he thought. "I'm sorry you guys, it's not that i don't want to spent time with you, but i really can't." Could they just leave him alone so that he'd only have to deal with them again after the holidays? He wanted to go home! Go home and hide away in his room until he'd be dragged back to school at the end of the holidays. But he had a feeling they weren't going to show him that kind of mercy...

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