Bitch what?! (Part two)

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(Your pov)

It's been about two weeks since I've arrived here at the Sakamaki mansion. At least that's what my phone tells me.

I've contacted my parents about what happened these past two weeks and they were both in shock and happy. But they said they happy that I had strong vampires as my mates.

Speaking of which of them. I can't say I love them yet. I live their looks but that's it. So I've decided to take it slow with them. Except for Yui-Chan. Me and her are already acting like a loving couple. Though it is weird I'm mates with my old baby sitter. But it explains why I felt so close to her.

She's really protective of me now that we're mates. She gives me kisses all the time!

The others I think are jealous. They  keep sneaking and taking me away. But just doing stuff they usually do alone. My eyes hurt because they've keep changing pink all the time!

I was in my room reading a book when I felt someone on laying on my back. I looked and saw Shu laying on his back with his head on back. He's been doing this a lot lately. I guess this is just how he shows his love. It made me feel happy. I guess this is the first stage of forming a relationship.

I went back to reading. It was a love story. I'm kinda a romantic so I read stuff like this all the time. The story was about this girl who got captured by an evil king but they start to fall in love. I was loving it so far.

"What are reading?"

I looked to my side and saw that Shu had moved to my side. He was resting on his stomach, head on his arms looking at the book pages with a tired look.

Why is he always tired?

"A love story." I answered. He hummed and moved closer to me.

"Were you imagining one of us with you in that story?"

I blushed."W-what n-no!" I fumed shutting my book closed." I wasn't."

"Sure you weren't." That sleepy look turned into a smug smile.

My eyes were probably so pink right now. I was imagining that. With each one of them.

"You know we could make that a reality."

I was then pushed down on my bed by him. His hand by my head. I blushed even more.

The rest..... I can't explain it.

Let's just say.

It was a huge make out session.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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