Chapter 52 Escape

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Quinton paced around his room, eyeing everything on the dresser and floor. Travel light. Only the essentials. He picked up the photo of him and his brother from his nightstand. Life hadn't been fair to either of them. At least his efforts wouldn't have collateral damage, assuming the group tonight didn't get themselves shot. He slipped the picture out of the frame and into a pocket of his backpack.

Navjot knocked on his door. At least he assumed it was Navjot since Amelia had warned Mischa to stay away from their apartment tonight. He flicked the door open and looked at his roommate, bright striped shirt, tattered jeans, and a pair of slippers. Not escape attire.

Quinton sighed. "You're really staying behind? You know you'll be their top suspect."

"It's better than the alternative. I'm too valuable for them to punish severely, even if they suspect me. Besides, I'm an expert at covering my tracks."

"You would really choose this place over life out there? Free of their tyranny."

"I know what's been done to the power supply outside this area. Abysmal. Primitive. No life I'm interested in. And, if you ever need an inside man in the future, you've got meee." Navjot pointed his thumbs to his chest and smiled.

Quinton couldn't bring himself to laugh. If they did come back, it wouldn't be on their own terms.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Navjot asked. "Your life here isn't that bad. I know how you feel about Mischa and everything, but this is a lot of risk for just a girl."

Quinton ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going for myself. There are a lot of things that aren't right about this place. Mischa is a bonus, if by some miracle that ever happens."

Navjot smiled. "I think it will. Just hang in there. I'm sorry this place treated you like they did. You were a great roommate, for the record."

"Thanks." He had been getting weird vibes from both Navjot and Mischa for the past two weeks but neither would speak about it.

Navjot dug around in his work satchel and pulled out a small device that could have been a car key at one time.

"I've synced this up to the silent alarm that the guards trigger for a break in or break out. It will light up when they're activated. With the surveillance looped like it is, and the sensors you and the team have been deactivating, it shouldn't go off either until they notice that four people have been skipping meals or that you're missed at your internship sign in.

"When it goes off, throw it in the opposite direction you intend to take. And really throw it. It has anti-tracking technology, but you can never be too careful. They can still reverse it and find you. Once the officers ask for my help, they'll be monitoring my activities closely and my supervisor will know if I'm evading a task. He's talented like that."

"Thanks, Navjot. We really appreciate everything you've done."

"Yeah, I apologize in advance. I'm going to play you up as a crazy to get myself out of their crosshairs. I'm lucky your background gives me something to work with."

"My background?" Quinton asked. The hairs on his arms stood on edge. Surely, he was being paranoid.

"Uhm," Navjot trailed off as his eyes darted around the room. "I er- well, Mischa was worried about you, and we, or I, had access to our medical files and... I'm sorry." He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground.

Quinton balled up his fists and breathed in. Deeply, slowly, he coached himself.

"Is that why you're staying?"

"Of course not. I'm a complete computer geek, Quinton. It'll take more than a sperm donation to give up my last link to technology, food and shelter. These people might have other good intentions buried deep down. Either way, I'm no saint either."

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