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Nearly a month had passed since Tony proposed. You'd been forced to stay at home unless you were with another Avenger. Just like today, it was just you in the Tower. The others were trying to hunt down Jacob. Jake had fitted nicely into the team. And Steve had started dating Sharon, who you'd become quite good friends with.

Someone banged on the door. You jumped. "Friday. Who's at the door?"

"Mr Parker, Miss." You frowned.

"Let him in."

"Will do so Miss." The sound of footsteps up the stairs made your heart beat slightly irregularly. Peter appeared at the door looking incredibly distressed.

"Peter? Is everything okay?" He shook his head, his mouth hanging open.

"I'm so sorry." He sobbed. Frowning you went to hug him but he moved away. "It was only a few times, I didnt mean to...she doesnt know i know. She's on a mission. We have to get her home. She doesn't want it. She wasnt going to tell me. Holy shit I fucked up."

"Woah, calm down. Tell me what happened?" You said calmly. He took a deep breath.

"Mia's been really distant lately. I was worried, and when she left for the mission this morning I was having a shower and I found it."


"A test...a pregnancy test." He said his voice growing quieter with every word. Oh you were fuming, but you kept it hidden. "It was positive, so obviously I freaked out. Her phone went off and it was her friend asking her when her abortion date was.."

"Where was the test?" You asked your voice straining.

"In the bin, I think it had been there for a while." Peter said, his voice breaking as he began to cry again. "She wasnt going to tell me." You felt yourself near breaking point.

"I'm going to go to my room for a minute. I'll be back." You said before making a run for the stairs. You slammed the door and screamed. She was just going to fucking kill her baby, without saying anything!? You punched the wall.

You grapped the ear piece from the desk. TONY! how long is the mission going to be?

Kitten? I dont know.

Call it off. I need Mia home now! Mia swore.

Why Y/N? She said. This is important.

Tony? You said taking several deep breaths. If you can reschedule I swear to god you'd better. This is important and I mean it. You heard him talk to Steve before he answered.

Okay Kitten, we'll be home for dinner. Is everythi-- you ripped the ear piece out. And cried. You felt like you'd failed and it hurt.


Noah found you later that afternoon on his weekly visit to come and see you. Upon seeing your son you flung your arms around him. He eventually got out of you the problem and promised to stay until you'd spoken to Mia.

Peter didnt say anything to you as Noah made you and him some dinner. He made some pasta and you sat stirring it round your plate. "Please eat Mom." Noah said gently. You sighed and ate a fork full. He smiled weakly. Peter just sat staring at the wall. "Mom...." you shook your head. "For crying out loud mom, their seventeen!" You bit your lip.

"Pete?" You said quietly. He glanced at you. "I'm sorry, I am angry but only because she wasnt ready. I'm calming down. Its not your fault. Not really." He nodded, with a weak smile. You gave him a hug. Noah smiled. You stood up. The door downstairs opened and the team walked in, studied the scene how angry you looked, Peter's tears and gaped.

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