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"I can not believe I'm doing this." You muttered as you walked into the S.H.E.I.L.D complex. You glanced around keeping your head down, as not to attract to much attention to yourself. As you walked the corridors you kept your eyes open for Sharon Carter, or as she was known here Agent 13.

You spotted the blonde haired women with twenty minutes, she was talking to Nick Fury. As she began to walk away to picked up your pace, and casually crashed into her. She jumped back in surprise. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." You said quickly. She gave a quick smile.

"No problem." She said. You frowned.

"I know you from somewhere?" You snapped your fingers like it has suddenly clicked. "Well shit, your Steve's neighbour!" Sharon's eyes sparkled at his name.

"Yeah, I am. I havent seen you before?"

"Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N." you said holding out your hand. She shook it firmly. "He talks about you a lot you know, it's how I recognised you." She smirked.

"Really? I didnt think he really noticed." You smiled.

"Oh he noticed." She laughed. "Hey, you should come round to the tower." You gave a slight wink, she bit her lip as she thought it over, then nodded.

"You know what? I might. It cant hurt right?" You laughed nodding. She gave you a quick smile, as you exchanged numbers and you said to come for six. She nodded and left. You groaned and left the base.


Bucky was in his room when you got back. "You owe me one Soilder." You said from the door. He jumped up.

"What happened?" He asked excitedly.

"Oh she definitely likes him. And she's coming for dinner, here at six. No problem." You said walking away leaving Bucky staring after you in awe. You flopped on the sofa exhausted.

"Y/N!" Mia screamed from somewhere. You groaned again and stood up. She skidded into the room. "He did it! He asked me out!" She cried. You smiled.

"That's great Mi, what did I tell you." She hugged you round the middle and ran off again. Sighing you sat back down. "Friday, where is everyone?"

"Miss Romanoff and Mr Banner in Mr Banners room," you smirked. "Mr Barton is in the training room. Mr Barnes and Mr Roger's are in Mr Rogers room. Mr Stark is in the lab. And Mr Parker and Miss Y/L/N are in the kitchen."

"Thanks." You said, jumping up. You owed Clint lunch.


"This is good, thanks Y/N." Clint said as you sat in your favourite restaurant eating. You smiled.

"No problem, I owed it to you anyway." He nodded. You sighed softly. "Clint? Can I tell you something?" He nodded, concern moving onto his face. "Well two things actually." He put down his fork to listen properly. "I have a really bad feeling, I think Jacob might come after me and Jake." Clint took your hand over the table. You squeezed it.

"He wont touch you. Either of you. You live in a tower full of the strongest people on earth. His chances are slim." You nodded.

"Okay, other thing. I want a baby." Clint spluttered. "Not from you, you idiot." Clint laughed, relaxing. "With Tony, but I..."

"He wants one, he really wants a son. That's why he treats Peter the way he does. Do you think your....?" You shook your head.

"I dont think so, I just....i missed both of my kids growing up." The door to the restaurant was blasted of its hinges. You and Clint jumped up, Clint had a gun in his hand before you could even register the scene.

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