Chapter 18: Present Day

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“When did you become Team Aiden?” I asked Jess, sarcastically.

“When I realized that he was one of the good ones, and that you’d be an idiot to let him go. OK, he made a mistake, but who doesn’t. He’s trying to make it right, and from what Ant tells me, he’s taking it pretty bad,” she replied.

“I know, but he hurt me, Jess.”

“And I get that, I really do, but you know that he worships the ground that you walk on. He may be stupid, but he didn’t do anything so terrible that you have to both have to be so miserable. Life’s too short. Look, Anthony’s a moron who makes about ten mistakes a day, but I can’t imagine my life without him.” She made me smile.

“She’s right, sweetie. Bob’s no George Clooney, but I wouldn’t trade him for the world. When you find someone worth keeping, you don’t let them go that easily,” my mom added.

“I can hear you, you know,” Bob shouted from the kitchen.

“Well then, you shouldn’t be eavesdropping, you nosey little man,” she chuckled as she left the room.

“They are so adorable,” Jess said, smiling.

“I know.”

“That could be you and Aiden if you would stop being so stubborn!” she exclaimed.

“OK, I will go to him. Gosh, I do miss him Jess,” I said, sadly.

“I know you do, and that’s why you guys need to work things out. How can there be an Anthony and Jess without an Aiden and April? We all belong together,” she chuckled.

“You’re so weird,” I laughed.

“Yeah, but you love me anyway,” she said, winking at me.

“Yeah, maybe,” I said, kissing Ella-May on the head and walking into the kitchen.

“Mom, Bob, I’m going now.”

“Are you going to sort things out with Aiden?” my mom asked hopefully.

“Yes, Mother, I’m going to fix things with the beloved Aiden, OK?”

“Great, now I’m a happy woman,” she joked.

“Oh, and here I am thinking I make you happy,” Bob snorted, making me laugh.

“That’s why I always tell you to stop thinking, darling,” she teased.

On my way out of the kitchen, I thought about how much I miss Aiden. I miss his touch, and the way he kisses me. Everything. I was hurt because he lied, but I knew why he did it. Leah still doesn’t make much sense to me. It was as if she blackmailing him, but she didn’t ask for anything. It was more like a calculated game for her. The question is, why? What makes someone so twisted they could enjoy destroying somebody else’s life?

All I wanted to do was get home and see Aiden. Turning up the dial on the radio in my car, I drove away to get my man back.

* * *

Jess called me on my way home, talking about how Ella-May or Em had bitten her. I was trying my absolute best to not start laughing again. Jess was even more entertaining once Em had arrived. I thought she was funny during the pregnancy, but she really turned it up a notch after Em was born.

“This is not a joke, April. Why are you laughing?”

“I’m not,” I replied, trying to stifle my laughter.

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