, 2.2

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         bill shot up. he was having a nightmare. his little brother georgie died. bill usually had this nightmare actually, it would reoccur at least once every month. and it was the same thing happening—something in the darkness would snatch georgie up, but bill couldn't move and help him, which drove bill crazy; seeing someone suffer before his eyes, yet he couldn't help them.

      the auburn boy hoisted himself out his bed. all his other friends were sprawled on either the ground or the extra mattress. ben and beverly we're asleep on the ground, passed out from their sugar rush. mike was asleep on the bed with bill, he was at the foot of the bed. eddie and richie were on the mattress, richie's mouth slightly open, drooling a little. eddie was cuddled into richie's side.

      bill quietly tip toed out his room, not wanting to wake any of his friends. he read the clock in the hallway. 6:37 AM. he usually woke up at 7 on the weekends so it wasnt anything different. the house smelled of fresh flowers, like a flower exhibition. bill loved the smell of his house. he didn't really know what caused it to smell of it, especially since his mom wasn't a big fan of flowers. so the mysterious smelled sparked bills curiosity ever since he was little.

        bill grabbed the cabinets handle and slowly swung it open. he grabbed a glass that was piano themed. it was his mom's mug. it had a bunch of music notes on it, and the handle was a piano. bill didn't care what the mug looked like, so he walked over to the fridge and put the water inside the cup.

      when filling the cup up, he felt a presence behind. it was one of his friends, that's what he thought. so when he was done filling the cup up he turned around to see stanley sitting at the stool to the island counter.

   "o-oh, hi...duh-didn't expect to see yuh-you..." bill blushed lightly. after making a quick two seconds of eye contact he looked down at his cup of water.

    "what are you doing up this earlier?" stanley asked curiously tilting his head at bill.

      "cuh-could ask you thuh-the same thing..." bill grinned softly and took a sip from the mug.

     "i like watching the sunrise" stanley said. bill nodded.

      "i don't t-think i have s-seen it rise before..." he shrugged and leaned up against the fridge behind him.

      "seriously?" stanley asked in awe. he couldn't believe that bill had never seen the sunrise in the 18–or however many years he's been alive.

      bill nodded and took another small sip.

     "bill, come with me" stanley got up from the stool and walked away. bill quickly caught up with him, so they were walking side by side. bill glanced over at stanley and saw this look in his eyes. something bill never saw before. it looked so familiar, he couldn't quit but his finger on it.

      stanley lead him to a big window viewing bill's backyard. you could just barely see the sun coming up, it hidden in a way by trees and branches.

    "luh-lets go outside—" "i can't." bill looked at stanley. "i physically can't. there is some type of barrier, i can only stay inside the house..." stanley trailed off looking at his shoes. bill looked down too.

       they didn't saw anything for a few minutes, just looking out the window at the sunset. it wasn't the awkward normal tension that was created between them, something else. like a peaceful and calming tension. the two boys didn't mind the silence. they watched as the sky's colors turned to orange then blue. bill thought it was the most gorgeous thing he had ever saw.

      "wow..." bill breathed out. stanley looked over a him and grinned. bill glanced over and saw a small dimple on stanley's right cheek showing. bill turned back to the window and continued watching the sunrise.

      "hey big bill!" they both jumped, startled by the sudden noise. it was richie. as usual. soon the rest of bill's friends flooded into the living room. "what were you two doing?" beverly asked smirking raising a brow at them.

     "w-watching the sunrise..." bill softly said and saw stanley nodded in agreement.

     "cool, hey what are we gonna have for breakfast?" eddie asked. bill shrugged. "muh-my mom left fuh-for work earlier...so i duh-don't know" bill shrugged.

   "i can't cook for shit so don't ask me for help" beverly stepped back and chuckled.

     "what about you ed's? you are pretty good in home ec..." richie swung his lanky arm over eddie.

      "i barely payed in attention in class because you were always bothering me, the only reason i passed was because i kept asking for help" eddie sighed.

     "i guess i could..." stanley shrugged. "nuh-no it's fine, i'll cuh-cook something fuh-for them.." bill said and turned to stanley. "no seriously i will, it's fine" stanley insisted.

     "stuh-stanley it's okay, i will find suh-something for them.."bill said back.

     "no i insist—"

     "or you both could cook together?" ben chimed in. they looked at him. "i like your thinking" stanley smiled and looked at bill. bill nodded.

     "well what are we waiting for? my stomach is yelling at me right now..." richie threw his hands up.

    they all walked to the kitchen, the losers all took a seat the island and bill and stanley went to the kitchen counter.

    "w-what should we make them?" bill asked. "hmmm"stanley stared off into the distance trying to think. bill fixed his hair quickly. "blueberry pancakes?" stanley asked. "mhm thuh-those sound duh- delicious" he smiled at stanley.

     "okay first we need the pancake batter..." stanley walked over to their pantry and grabbed the box with batter. "so—can you fill up a big measuring cup of water for the pancake mix?" bill walked over and grabbed the big measuring cup and filled it with water from the fridge.

    "get some blueberries from the fridge, wash them off, and put them in a big bowl" bill did as told. he walked over to the sink and washed them off quickly.

    "now i'm going to preheat the stove..." stanley walked over and fidgeted with the handles.

      "did you yuh-usually cook?" bill asked curiously. stanley nodded. "i was the chef of the house the majority of the time.."stanley added.

      "you're puh-probably an amazing suh-chef then" bill blushed and saw stanley look up from the stove to smile at bill for the comp.

      "thanks..." stanley replied. "alright back to cooking—now we can mix the pancake batter and water together" stanley walked from the oven over to where bill was standing in front him. bill was backed up into the counter behind him. stanley then reached up behind him to grab a big bowl from the cabinet. "sorry.." stanley mumbled since he invaded some of bill's personal space. bill let out a sigh of relief once stanley walked away.

      just how close they were made bill's breathe hitch. i mean it's obvious stanley is an extremely attractive person so when stanley got a bit closer bill couldn't help but get a tad bit tense. if you were to ask bill right now if he liked the ghost boy, he would be in denial, but he couldn't help but think of how nice, and cute he was. bill had a teeny tiny crush on the ghost boy, stanley. it wasn't even that big, like if he were to disappear and never come back, bill would be devastated for a week or so—but then move on to something else.

        bill knew the closer he got, the more he would be invested in stanley. stanley is a ghost, and bill is a human. they are two total different beings. bill knew this also. and for now bill convinced himself stanley is just a friend, a cute ghost boy who haunts his house. nothing more, nothing less. for now, at least.

gabrielle talks!
i'm kinda catching feelings for this guyyyy ahhh🥺✌🏻

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