Fox in the Henhouse

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ANYWHO another week coming to the end and another chapter of our favorite family :) Happiness is on the horizon and we confront Obadiah today! I'm sure everything will go perfectly 😊 Thank you everyone for your support and feedback as always! <3000

Have fun and stay safe❤🧡💛💚💙💜


"Use your words to tell me what you want, please," Tony says strictly to the pouting toddler with a trembling lip. Peter is on the verge of a tantrum simply because he wants a banana, but can't reach it. He's currently trying to get past Tony with his arms reaching towards the counter. Tony, however, keeps a firm hand on Peter's head to keep the kid at bay. "You can't go climbing on the counters whenever you want something. You could fall and get hurt." With a sigh, Tony kneels down to Peter's height.

"Daddy," Peter whines as he stomps his feet, only getting more and more impatient.

"Nope, tell me what you want and I'll help you." Tony knows exactly what Peter wants, but he wants to hear it.

"Nana," the toddler gives in, then adds, "please." Tony smiles proudly before standing up straight to grab one of the bananas. "Thank you." Peter may have tantrums like every other toddler, but he has exceptional manners.

"You're very welcome. Can you tell me what color your banana is?" Tony peels the banana and hands it off to Peter, who happily takes a big bite out of it.

"Lellow!" The happy answer makes Tony beam with pride.

"That's right! Good job," he praises, ruffling Peter's hair. He leads them both into the living room where Pepper and Rhodey are sitting on the pleather couch. "I thought Obi was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago." Tony doesn't direct the statement at either of them in particular, he just announces the obvious to the room. Peter runs over to Pepper and tries to crawl up her legs into her lap.

"He said he would," Rhodey confirms as he helps Peter up. The toddler happily leans back against Pepper, who chuckles and wraps her arms around him.

"Well he's not  here," Tony points out. He sits down to avoid pacing and puts a hand over his mouth thoughtfully. If it wasn't already evident that he's an impatient man, it is now. The longer he waits, the more he feels like he lets Peter down. Peter quickly catches on to Tony's stress.

"It's okay, Daddy!" he tries to cheer, but it just makes Tony's head snap up. Tony's eyes soften when they meet Peter's and he offers his kid an assuring smile.

"When did this happen?" Rhodey casually inquires with a knowing smile. Tony clears his throat and composes himself.

"It's a, uh, new development. Don't look at me like that," he warns Rhodey without any anger in his tone. All Pepper does is stare at Tony with the most loving, supportive eyes he could possibly imagine. She knew they'd be good for each other, and she's so glad to finally see it paying off.

"If Tomy's my daddy then, then does that mean Peppa's my momma?" Peter speaks up, leaning back to look at Pepper upside down. Pepper looks down at him in shock, her eyes glistening, before she smiles pleasantly.

"If you'd like me to be." She doesn't want to force him into anything, so she gives him the freedom to decide.

"You make a good momma," Peter agrees, before facing forward like nothing happened. Of course, Pepper is left with tears in her eyes. She pulls him closer and rests her head on the top of his. The exchange absolutely warms Tony's heart that he almost forgets why they're waiting. That is, until the elevator doors open.

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