Fake It 'Til You Make It

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The world has graced us with another Friday!! I'm so happy to see that everyone adores Stebe as much as I do🤣💕 I can confidently assure you that there will be plenty of Stebe to come!

This chapter, we get a lot of progression and maybe a hint of humanity from Tony, but more importantly we get...bananas!! Which is the FANART for today! The lovely @vanillabean_97 on Instagram and Twitter has drawn the cutest thing for this chapter, PLEASE go look at it on my account @kevy_fanfics and send Vanilla all the love in the world!! She's an amazing artist and friend :) https://www.instagram.com/p/B09CV4UApnR/?igshid=fy9rzt096v80

Have fun and stay safe!❤🧡💛💚💙💜


Tony spends the entire night in the workshop. He works on upgrades for the holotable, patches up some of J.A.R.V.I.S.'s programming, and then spends the rest of his time drafting schematics for a new project. The project isn't anything too exciting just yet, but he had an interesting idea for a new missile prototype that might be useful for the troops in Afghanistan. He might ask Rhodey's opinion on it later when he gets the chance. Instead of getting sleep like a normal human, he hyper-focuses on the schematics and, thankfully, can't tell the difference between minutes and hours passing.

Peter, however, wakes up to a large, empty room with his heart beating a little too fast for comfort. Another nightmare wakes him up much too early. He doesn't remember what it was about, but he isn't crying this time. Instead of dwelling on it, he looks around. The room is a stark contrast to the twin sized bed and cozy room he used to sleep in. That bedroom was personalized with posters, bookshelves housing his favorite books, and toys scattered across the floor. This room has no posters, definitely no bookshelves, and only a few toys he chose at Goodwill. The bedroom he loved had light green walls and a soft, shaggy carpet. This room has white walls and a glossy, hardwood floor. Everything is different.

His stomach rumbles and he doesn't think twice before flopping from his back onto his stomach. He slowly slides down the edge of his bed, holding tightly onto the bed sheets, until his pink toes touch the cold floor. The icy, varnished floor sends a shiver throughout his body, yet he manages to land on his feet. He stumbles slightly on wobbly legs, but is quick to regain his balance. Before he forgets, he tugs down his bear Stebe and holds him close to his chest as he ventures away from his bed. He sleepily shuffles towards the door and has to stand on his tiptoes to attempt to reach the gold knob. Still, his fingertips can hardly brush it, let alone grip it to open the door. The knob jingles, but does nothing else.

"Good morning, Peter." The boy jumps at the sudden disembodied voice. He quickly backs away from the door, clutching Stebe close. "Do you require assistance with opening the door?" the voice offers. Peter stares up with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.

"Are...are you stuck in da ceiling?" he cautiously asks.

"No, there's no need to worry," the voice politely assures. Peter blinks once.

"Who are you?" he asks in a tone filled with fascination and wonder. He hasn't ever heard a voice without a body before.

"I'm Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. Feel free to call me J.A.R.V.I.S.." Peter blinks again, then tilts his head ever so slightly as he absorbs the new information.

"Jarbis?" he repeats, unable to say his v's. There's a slight pause before J.A.R.V.I.S. responds with,

"That is correct." Not even J.A.R.V.I.S. can tell the toddler "no," with Tony being an exception. "I am always here if you need anything, such as opening doors." Suddenly, the door in front of Peter squeaks open, making his eyes widen even further in amazement.

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